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Re: st: set reference dependent var category in longitudinal mlogit panel

From (Jeff Pitblado, StataCorp LP)
Subject   Re: st: set reference dependent var category in longitudinal mlogit panel
Date   Tue, 13 Aug 2013 22:27:08 -0500

Jason Bond <> is using -gsem- and wants to change the base
outcome for a multinomial logit model:

> I'm trying to estimate a longitudinal multinomial panel model using gsem. 
> The default dependent variable reference category is the there an
> easy way to change this to a different category?  'baseoutcome(x)' is not
> allowed as an option and 'char depvar[omit] x' doesn't do anything.

Jason can use the 'b' operator to specify the base outcome for a multinomial
logit outcome variable in -gsem-.  The 'b' operator is part of factor
variables notation, see -help fvvarlist-.

In the following Stata log we use level 3 as the base for outcome 'insure'.
This example is based on '[SEM] example 37g'.

***** BEGIN:
. webuse gsem_sysdsn1
(Health insurance data)

. gsem ( <- i.nonwhite)

Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -556.59502  
Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -551.78935  
Iteration 2:   log likelihood = -551.78348  
Iteration 3:   log likelihood = -551.78348  

Generalized structural equation model             Number of obs   =        616
Log likelihood = -551.78348

             |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- <-  |
  1.nonwhite |  -.3779586    .407589    -0.93   0.354    -1.176818    .4209011
       _cons |   1.941934   .1782185    10.90   0.000     1.592632    2.291236
-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- <-  |
  1.nonwhite |   .2828627   .3977302     0.71   0.477    -.4966742      1.0624
       _cons |   1.754019   .1805145     9.72   0.000     1.400217    2.107821
-------------+----------------------------------------------------------------     |  (base outcome)
***** END:

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