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Re: st: SEM with bootstrapping for mediation - goodness of fit and statistical inferences

From   John Antonakis <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: SEM with bootstrapping for mediation - goodness of fit and statistical inferences
Date   Mon, 05 Aug 2013 23:02:34 +0200

Hi Neeraj:

Two things:

1. is your mediator exogenous? If not so, you model is misspecified. You can test for the endogeneity of MV by estimating:

 sem (mv <- iv cv1 cv2) (dv <- mv cv1 cv2), cov(*

If the covariance of the disturbances is significant (this is the Hausman test) then this means that mv is endogenous with respect to dv. If mv is endogenous then including iv next to it as a predict of dv will make the estimates of iv inconsistent.

This is all explained in detail here:

Antonakis, J., Bendahan, S., Jacquart, P., & Lalive, R. (2010). On making causal claims: A review and recommendations. The Leadership Quarterly, 21(6). 1086-1120.

For quick intuitive explanations too about the problem of endogeneity and mediation watch this video (the 16min 30 secs are a basic intro to endogeneity--thereafter I talk about mediation):

2. your model, or the one above I have shown you are just identified; you are estimating as many parameters as there are elements in the variance-covariance matrix. Thus the DF = 0 and there is nothing to test and the model will perfectly reproduce the variance-covariance matrix.

3. Bootstrap the indirect effect does not really do much. You might as well just you a robust estimate of the variance:

sem (mv <- iv cv1 cv2) (dv <- mv cv1 cv2), cov(*, vce(robust)
estat teffects

I suspect you are doing the bootstrap to follow the Preacher and Hayes (Preacher, K. J. & Hayes, A. F. 2004. SPSS and SAS procedures for estimating indirect effects in simple mediation models. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 36(4): 717-731. recommendations. However, they recommend to use the bootstrapped coefficient along with the boostrapped SE, which is not what you are doing, and which is a very bad idea. See p. 198 of the Stata manual entry on the bootstrap (for version 13 of Stata)--I am talking about the citation by Efron.



John Antonakis
Professor of Organizational Behavior
Director, Ph.D. Program in Management

Faculty of Business and Economics
University of Lausanne
Internef #618
CH-1015 Lausanne-Dorigny
Tel ++41 (0)21 692-3438
Fax ++41 (0)21 692-3305

Associate Editor:
The Leadership Quarterly
Organizational Research Methods (incoming)

On 05.08.2013 19:22, Neeraj Iyer wrote:
Hello STATA Listers,

I am running a path analytic model for analysis of mediation.  A
sample program I am running for each mediation model is below.  I also
generated bootstrapped standard errors and confidence intervals.  Of
the 12 models I ran, there were two models for which the
bias-corrected bootstrapped confidence intervals for indirect effect
did not contain a zero, indicating that the indirect effect is
significant. I observed a couple issues:

The  "estat gof, stats(all)" command shows that:

1) The LR chi-square test for model vs. saturated each of the 12
models has a value:
     chi2_ms(0) = 0.000 and p > chi2  = '.' (i.e. blank)

2) The LR chi-square test for baseline vs. saturated each of the 12
models has a value:
     p > chi2  = '.' (i.e. blank)

3) The RMSEA of each model has a value of : 0.000
4) Every Comparative Fit Index has a value of : 1.000
5) Every Tucker-Lewis index has a value of: 1:000

I am uncertain whether I can conclude that my models show acceptable
fit criteria.  Are there there goodness-of-fit criteria that I must
use?  As I observe significant indirect effects (or mediation) from
two of my models, can I conclude such a finding given the prevailing
fit statistics?

Could someone point me to any published examples that have used this
procedure?  I am trying to get some guidance on how to report and
interpret the results.  Thank you for any leads.



program indireff, rclass
  sem (MV <- IV CV1 CV2 ) (DV <- MV IV CV1 CV2)
  estat gof, stats(all)
  estat teffects
  mat bi = r(indirect)
  mat bd = r(direct)
  mat bt = r(total)
  return scalar indir  = el(bi,1,5)
  return scalar direct = el(bd,1,5)
  return scalar total  = el(bt,1,5)

sem (MV <- IV CV1 CV2) (DV <- MV IV CV1 CV2)
quietly estat teffects

matrix list r(indirect)
matrix list r(direct)
matrix list r(total)

set seed 358395

bootstrap r(indir) r(direct) r(total), reps(200): indireff
estat bootstrap, percentile bc
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