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RE: st: Interactions using -xtivreg- Instrumental Variables estimation

From   David Torres <>
To   "" <>
Subject   RE: st: Interactions using -xtivreg- Instrumental Variables estimation
Date   Wed, 31 Jul 2013 19:11:48 -0400

I'm still hoping someone can answer the question below, which I sent yesterday.

> Hello, all,
> So I'm using an instrumental variables approach with two-level data using Stata's -xtivreg- command. My single IV relates to a level-one time-varying variable. I'd like to include interactions between the level one variable and dummies at level two denoting sex and race/ethnicity.
> How is this done? Do I produce interactions between the instrument and my dummies, as well as between the variable being instrumented for and my dummies, and then simply insert everything in my model like this:
> xtivreg mathsc year male black hispan othrace (var1 var1*male var1*black var1*hispan var1*othrace = instrument instrument*male instrument*black instrument*hispan instrument*othrace), re
> or should I be setting the model up differently?
> Thanks in advance for your help.
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