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st: sum of count using a loop

From   Keniajin Wambui <>
Subject   st: sum of count using a loop
Date   Tue, 30 Jul 2013 17:12:31 +0300

I have a data set with a unique pid and a list of 32 variables with
the same suffix i.e maize_source, peas_source, sukuma_source,
All the 32 variables have  option 1,2,3 or 4. I want to do a sum of
all the counts of each option for across all the variables using stata
12 on windows 7
option    total
1           4000
2             568
3          1200
4          14000

I am trying

foreach var of varlist  maize_source - peas_source {
count if `var'==1
    replace total=_N+_n if `var'==1
countif `var'==1
but its giving a count with a wrong total

I will appreciate the support
Mega Six Solutions
Web Designer and Research Consultant
Kennedy Mwai
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