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st: Re: Fwd: Stata 13 ODBC problems

From   "Joseph Coveney" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Re: Fwd: Stata 13 ODBC problems
Date   Fri, 19 Jul 2013 10:47:24 +0900

David Doody wrote:

. . . 

I am having difficulty getting all my ODBC links to work in Stata 13.
If I use 64-bit Stata, then I can't read Access databases, since we
have 32-bit Office installed, and 64-bit Stata requires the 64-bit

Question: Has anyone successfully installed the 64-bit Office driver
*then* installed 32-bit Office, and then had 64-bit Stata work for
them?  We tried this in Stata 12 and it didn't work for us, so we went
ahead and used 32-bit Stata.

Which brings me to my next problem.  SQL databases are problematic in
32-bit Stata 13.  I can read some of them, but others either crash
Stata or give the "op. sys. refuses to provide memory" error message.
I tried updating the SQL ODBC driver, and was able to read a
previously-problematic file.  But I still get the errors/crashes with
other files.  I don't think it's a size issue.  The ones I know don't
work are 8 and 22 MB.

Question:  Have other 32-bit Stata 13 users had any new difficulties
reading SQL databases after upgrading?  This was all working in Stata


When you refer to "SQL ODBC driver" and "SQL databases", do you mean "Access 20XX" ODBC driver and "Access 20XX" desktop file?

As I recall, Microsoft has said that you cannot have both 32-bit and 64-bit Office installations co-existing on your machine.  So, I believe that your chances for successfully installing 64-bit ODBC drivers and then 32-bit Office are low.

I assume that you have considered and ruled out migrating everything (Office and its ODBC drivers) completely to 64-bit.  If you need the Access executable for its GUI and you've got an older, 32-bit-only, version of Access 2003 or 2007, then it might be worth the savings in hassle to upgrade a version of Office that has 64-bit executables.  (Then again it might not save you much hassle, just exchange one for another:  I've installed Office 2013 64-bit and it neglected to install and register any of its 64-bit ODBC drivers, something that I'm in the middle of trying to fix.)

As far as workarounds for your current two problematic Access database files, have you considered creating an Excel file with worksheets that either "link" to the Access tables or "import" them, and then use Stata 13's ability to natively read Excel files?

Joseph Coveney

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