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Re: st: mi impute chained troubleshooting
Jacob McDermott <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: mi impute chained troubleshooting
Tue, 16 Jul 2013 16:50:29 -0500
Thank you for the response.
The error I received was:
mi impute: VCE is not positive definite
The posterior distribution from which mi impute drew the
imputations for ldl_all is not proper when the VCE estimated from the
observed data is not positive definite.
This may happen, for example, when the number of parameters exceeds
the number of observations. Choose an alternate imputation model.
error occurred during imputation of educacion height hba1c_all
glucose_all hdl_all ldl_all tc_all triglyc_all crp_all obesidad tension
corazon diabetes smoke1 exercise1
on m = 1
-- above applies to female = no
Concerning your suggestions:
tc_all is not an arthimetic sum of hdl and ldl, but your -omit- comment
helped me come up with the following model:
mi impute chained (ologit) educacion (regress, omit( tc_all )) height
hba1c_all glucose_all hdl_all ldl_all triglyc_all crp_all (regress)
tc_all (logit) obesidad tension corazon diabetes smoke1 exercise1,
add(5) by(female)
This ran without any errors.
Thanks for the help,
On 7/16/2013 4:26 PM, Stas Kolenikov wrote:
First of all, we'd all be better off if you showed the output and
reported the error message verbatim. You may have had a syntax error,
for instance, rather than a statistical difficulty.
In terms of modifying the equations, you can specify -omit( tc_all )-
option to remove that variable from your equations, although you would
still get it imputed since it appeared in -mi impute- statement. If it
is an arithmetic sum of hdl and ldl, then you should -mi register
passive tc_all- and -mi passive : generate tc_all = hdl_all +
-- Stas Kolenikov, PhD, PStat (ASA, SSC)
-- Senior Survey Statistician, Abt SRBI
-- Opinions stated in this email are mine only, and do not reflect the
position of my employer
On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 2:59 PM, Jacob McDermott <[email protected]> wrote:
Hello Statalist,
The following mi impute chained command (unsurprisingly) returns an error
mi impute chained (ologit) educacion (regress) height hba1c_all glucose_all
hdl_all ldl_all triglyc_all crp_all tc_all (logit) obesidad tension corazon
diabetes smoke1 exercise1, add(5) by(female)
The issue rising from collinearity due to the inclusion of tc(total
cholesterol) along with ldl and hdl (major components of total cholesterol)
Note: tc_all ldl_all and hdl_all are continuous variables with roughly 10%
missing values
If I remove tc_all from the imputation command (or if I remove either ldl or
hdl) everything runs just fine, but I do not get imputed values for tc_all.
Is there anything I can do to get imputed values for tc_all?
What I have been trying is running the above imputation command twice (once
excluding tc_all and again excluding ldl_all), and then merging in tc_all
imputed values from the second run into the first imputed dataset. My only
real justification for this is that ldl and tc are highly correlated and the
resulting imputed datasets appear to be very similar . Do you think this
procedure is at all legitimate? Do you know of any alternatives?
Thanks for your help,
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