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Re: st: Randomize points to map polygons using -spmap- ?
Maurizio Pisati <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Randomize points to map polygons using -spmap- ?
Tue, 16 Jul 2013 11:06:10 +0200
Dear Andrew,
what do you mean exactly by "randomize cases within NAME_1"?
Anyway, please find below a Stata command I wrote a few years ago for personal use (i.e., no help file and possible bugs) which might be of help. It is called -csrpp- and generates a given number of random points within a set of polygons specified by the user.
Using your Andorra map, suppose you'd like to generate 50 random cases within each city. Here's a way to go:
. use "ADMdb.dta", clear
. generate cases = 50
. csrpp cases using "ADMcoord.dta", id(_ID) saving("casecoord.dta") replace
The Stata dataset "casecoord.dta" contains the coordinates of the 50x7 random points:
. spmap using "ADMcoord.dta", id(_ID) point(data("casecoord.dta") x(_X) y(_Y))
Best wishes,
===== CODE STARTS HERE =============================================================
*! -csrpp-: Generate completely spatially random points in a polygon
*! Version 1.0 - 19 August 2006
*! Author: Maurizio Pisati
*! Department of Sociology and Social Research
*! University of Milano Bicocca (Italy)
*! [email protected]
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 1. Define program
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
program csrpp
version 9.2
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 2. Define syntax
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
syntax varname(numeric) [if] [in] [iweight/] using/, ///
ID(varname numeric) ///
[Scale(numlist max=1 >0)] ///
SAVing(string) ///
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 3. Check syntax
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Check weight */
if ("`weight'" != "") {
tempvar W
qui gen `W' = `exp'
qui su `W'
if r(min) < 0 {
di as err "{p}The weighting variable can take only nonnegative " ///
exit 198
else local exp = 1
/* Check option id() */
capture isid `id'
if _rc {
di as err "{p}Variable `id' specified in option {bf:{ul:id}()} " ///
"does not uniquely identify the polygons{p_end}"
exit 459
/* Check option saving() */
if (substr(reverse("`saving'"),1,4) != "atd.") {
local region "`saving'.dta"
/* Marksample */
marksample TOUSE
markout `TOUSE' `id'
qui count if `TOUSE'
if (r(N) == 0) error 2000
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 4. Define basic objects
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Preserve data */
/* Select relevant observations */
qui keep if `TOUSE'
/* Set default scale factor */
if ("`scale'" == "") local scale = 1
/* Set option dots */
if ("`dots'" != "") local dots "no"
else local dots "yes"
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 5. Data setup
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Generate id variable */
cap rename `id' _ID
sort _ID
/* Generate variables stating number of points to be generated */
unab varlist : `varlist'
cap rename `varlist' NP
qui replace NP = round(NP * `scale')
/* Generate weight variable */
qui gen W = `exp' * (1 / `scale')
/* Save temporary file */
keep _ID NP W
tempfile DATA
qui save `DATA', replace
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 6. Polygon setup
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Open file */
use "`using'", clear
/* Generate subpolygon id */
quietly {
gen POLY = (_X == .)
replace POLY = sum(POLY)
drop if _X == .
sort POLY, stable
tempfile POLY
save `POLY', replace
/* Compute polygon area */
quietly {
by POLY : gen double AREA = (_X*_Y[_n+1]) - (_X[_n+1]*_Y) if _n>1 & _n<_N
by POLY : replace AREA = sum(AREA)
by POLY : replace AREA = abs(AREA[_N] / 2)
/* Compute subpolygon weigths */
collapse AREA (count) NV = AREA, by(_ID POLY)
quietly {
by _ID : gen double CUM = sum(AREA)
by _ID : replace AREA = AREA / CUM[_N]
drop CUM
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 7. Prepare working dataset
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Merge files and adjust NP variable */
quietly {
merge _ID using `DATA'
keep if _merge == 3
replace NP = round(AREA * NP)
gen ID = _n
/* Select relevant variables and save dataset */
sort POLY
qui save `DATA', replace
/* Select relevant records from polygon file */
quietly {
use `POLY', clear
merge POLY using `DATA'
keep if _merge == 3
keep ID _X _Y
ren ID _ID
order _ID
sort _ID, stable
save `POLY', replace
/* Open data */
use `DATA', clear
keep ID NP NV W
qui gen END = sum(NV)
qui gen START = END[_n-1] + 1
qui replace START = 1 in 1
drop NV
/* Count polygons */
qui count
local NPOLY = r(N)
/* Count points to be generated */
su NP, mean
local NPOINTS = r(sum)
/* Merge polygon file */
qui merge using `POLY'
drop _merge ID _ID
/* Set number of records */
qui count
if (`NPOINTS' > r(N)) qui set obs `NPOINTS'
/* Generate variables */
qui gen X = .
qui gen Y = .
qui gen _W = .
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 8. Generate points and save dataset
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Generate points */
mata: csrpp(`NPOLY', "`dots'")
/* Create and select relevant variables */
keep X Y _W
ren X _X
ren Y _Y
lab var _X "x-coordinate"
lab var _Y "y-coordinate"
lab var _W "Weight"
/* Save dataset */
qui drop if _X == .
qui compress
save "`saving'", `replace'
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 9. End program
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Call mata */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
version 9.2
mata clear
mata set matastrict on
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* csrpp() */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void csrpp(real scalar npoly, string scalar dots)
real matrix POLY, COOR
real scalar i, line
real scalar np, we, fr, lr, fi, li
if (dots == "yes") {
printf("{txt}Scanning polygons ({res}%g{txt})\n", npoly)
printf("{txt}{hline 4}{c +}{hline 3} 1 {hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 2 ")
printf("{txt}{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 3 {hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 4 ")
printf("{txt}{hline 3}{c +}{hline 3} 5\n")
fi = 1
li = 0
for (i=1; i<=npoly; i++) {
if (dots == "yes") {
line = mod(i,50)
if (line != 0 & i < npoly) {
if (line == 0 & i < npoly) {
printf("{txt}. %5.0f\n", i)
if (i == npoly) {
np = _st_data(i, 1)
if (np > 0) {
we = _st_data(i, 4)
li = li + np
fr = _st_data(i, 2)
lr = _st_data(i, 3)
POLY = st_data((fr,lr), (5..6))
COOR = sp_csrpp(np, POLY)
st_store((fi,li), (7..8), COOR)
st_store((fi,li), 9, J(np, 1, we))
fi = li + 1
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* sp_csrpp() */
/* -> sp_pip() */
/* -> sp_polyarea() */
/* */
/* Returns matrix npoints-by-2 containing the coordinates of npoints */
/* completely spatially random points lying within polygon POLY */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
real matrix sp_csrpp(real scalar npoints, real matrix POLY)
/* Setup */
real matrix COOR
real matrix XC, YC, XY, PIP, DONE
real scalar xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, areap, areab, aratio
real scalar ndone, nmiss, ngen
/* Generate working objects */
xmin = min(POLY[., 1])
xmax = max(POLY[., 1])
ymin = min(POLY[., 2])
ymax = max(POLY[., 2])
areap = sp_polyarea(POLY)
areab = abs(xmax - xmin) * abs(ymax - ymin)
aratio = areab / areap
/* Generate points */
ndone = 0
while (ndone < npoints) {
nmiss = npoints - ndone
ngen = round(nmiss * aratio)
if (ngen == 1) ngen = 10
XC = xmin :+ uniform(ngen, 1) :* (xmax - xmin)
YC = ymin :+ uniform(ngen, 1) :* (ymax - ymin)
XY = XC , YC
PIP = sp_pip(XY, POLY)
DONE = select(XY, PIP)
if (ndone == 0) COOR = DONE
ndone = rows(COOR)
/* Return results */
return(COOR[(1..npoints), .])
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* sp_pip() */
/* -> sp_spip() */
/* */
/* Returns matrix R-by-1 indicating whether each point in R-by-2 matrix */
/* POINTS lies within (value 1) or without (value 0) polygon POLY */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
real matrix sp_pip(real matrix POINTS, real matrix POLY)
/* Setup */
real matrix PIP
real scalar np
real scalar i, x, y
/* Generate working objects */
np = rows(POINTS)
PIP = J(np, 1, 0)
/* Check and report points status */
for (i=1; i<=np; i++) {
x = POINTS[i, 1]
y = POINTS[i, 2]
PIP[i] = sp_spip(x, y, POLY)
/* Return results */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* sp_polyarea() */
/* */
/* Returns scalar containing the area of polygon POLY */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
real scalar sp_polyarea(real matrix POLY)
/* Setup */
real scalar area
real scalar nv, i, x1, y1, x2, y2
/* Generate working objects */
area = 0
nv = rows(POLY)
if (POLY[1,1] == POLY[nv,1] & POLY[1,2] == POLY[nv,2]) nv = nv - 1
/* Compute polygon area */
for (i=1; i<=nv; i++) {
x1 = POLY[i, 1]
y1 = POLY[i, 2]
if (i == nv) {
x2 = POLY[1, 1]
y2 = POLY[1, 2]
else {
x2 = POLY[i+1, 1]
y2 = POLY[i+1, 2]
area = area + ((x2 - x1) * (y2 + y1))
/* Return results */
return(abs(area) * 0.5)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* sp_spip() */
/* */
/* Returns scalar indicating whether single point (x,y) lies within */
/* (value 1) or without (value 0) polygon POLY */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
real scalar sp_spip(real scalar x, real scalar y, real matrix POLY)
/* Setup */
real scalar pip
real scalar nv, iwind, xlastp, ylastp, ioldq, inewq
real scalar xthisp, ythisp
real scalar i, a, b
/* Generate working objects */
nv = rows(POLY)
if (POLY[1,1] == POLY[nv,1] & POLY[1,2] == POLY[nv,2]) nv = nv - 1
iwind = 0
xlastp = POLY[nv, 1]
ylastp = POLY[nv, 2]
ioldq = sp_spip_aux(xlastp, ylastp, x, y)
/* Check and report point status */
for (i=1; i<=nv; i++) {
xthisp = POLY[i, 1]
ythisp = POLY[i, 2]
inewq = sp_spip_aux(xthisp, ythisp, x, y)
if (ioldq != inewq) {
if (mod(ioldq+1, 4) == inewq) {
iwind = iwind + 1
else if (mod(inewq+1, 4) == ioldq) {
iwind = iwind - 1
else {
a = (ylastp - ythisp) * (x - xlastp)
b = xlastp - xthisp
a = a + ylastp * b
b = b * y
if (a > b) {
iwind = iwind + 2
else {
iwind = iwind - 2
xlastp = xthisp
ylastp = ythisp
ioldq = inewq
pip = abs(iwind / 4)
/* Returns results */
/* Auxiliary function */
real scalar sp_spip_aux(real scalar xp, real scalar yp, real scalar xo,
real scalar yo)
real scalar iq
if(xp < xo) {
if(yp < yo) iq = 2
else iq = 1
else {
if(yp < yo) iq = 3
else iq = 0
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Exit Mata */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
===== CODE ENDS HERE ===============================================================
> Hello Sergiy,
> Yes, I would certainly prefer to use Stata; however there appear to be
> quite a few options in R, eg -spatstat- and -rgdal- among others.
> I am stymied on how to a) form a grid and b) assign properly
> randomized points as you suggest. My sample frame is city data (at the
> ADM3+ (commune) level).
> Some typos in previous example.
> ******** Revised example starts here ********
> * cd "User/Data/"
> * open-source shapefile for Andorra(AND)
> copy "", replace
> unzipfile, replace
> shp2dta using "AND_adm1", database(ADMdb) coordinates(ADMcoord) replace
> use ADMdb, clear
> gen cases = ceil(uniform() * 25)
> desc
> * use ADMcoord, clear
> * desc
> ******** Example ends here ********
> thanks for the suggestions and the Ukraine example-
> cheers
> Andrew Lover
> ___________________________________________________________
> Epidemiologist
> Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology Research (CIDER)
> Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
> National University of Singapore
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