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st: estout table column labels
"Dimitriy V. Masterov" <[email protected]>
Statalist <[email protected]>
st: estout table column labels
Tue, 9 Jul 2013 18:08:55 -0700
I am using the code below to generate the following table using
user-written -estout- after posting the results of margins:
Weight MPG
weight mpg
1._at 0.47*** -0.06
[0.21,0.73] [-0.35,0.23]
2._at 0.08 -0.21
[-0.44,0.61] [-0.45,0.04]
3._at -0.30** -0.44***
[-0.49,-0.11] [-0.56,-0.33]
4._at -0.64*** -0.25***
[-0.86,-0.41] [-0.33,-0.18]
5._at -0.09 -0.13*
[-0.23,0.04] [-0.23,-0.02]
6._at -0.00 0.16
[-0.00,0.00] [-0.06,0.38]
7._at -0.02* 0.24**
[-0.03,-0.00] [0.06,0.41]
N 74 74
I can't seem to get rid of the lowercase variable names in the second
row. Is that possible somehow? I have scoured the documentation for
estout/esttab, but unless I am missing something, I just cant't make
them go away.
Here's the code that generates the table:
estimates drop _all;
sysuse auto, clear;
foreach var of varlist mpg weight {;
zscore `var', stub(norm_);
replace `var' = norm_`var';
drop norm_`var';
estimates drop _all;
probit foreign c.mpg##c.mpg c.weight##c.weight;
margins, dydx(weight) at(weight=(-3(1)3)) post;
eststo m1;
probit foreign c.mpg##c.mpg c.weight##c.weight;
margins, dydx(mpg) at(mpg=(-3(1)3)) post;
eststo m2;
esttab, cells(b(fmt(2) star) ci(fmt(2)par)) unstack mtitle("Weight"
"MPG") nonumbers collabels(none);
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