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st: Ordered response threshold values overlap
Christine Kalenborn <[email protected]>
[email protected]
st: Ordered response threshold values overlap
Tue, 09 Jul 2013 15:23:56 +0200
Dear STATA users,
I am looking at the determinants of life satisfaction. As the dependent
variable is of ordinal scale (1 "dissatisfied" to 10 "satisfied"), I use
an ordered response model.
When I compute the regression results, the cutpoints strongly overlap.
/cut1 | -3.292553 2.309304 -7.818706 1.233599
/cut2 | -3.021334 2.30325 -7.535621 1.492953
/cut3 | -2.631861 2.296314 -7.132554 1.868832
/cut4 | -2.330351 2.291877 -6.822349 2.161646
/cut5 | -1.791179 2.291642 -6.282714 2.700356
/cut6 | -1.413765 2.285604 -5.893467 3.065937
/cut7 | -.9014434 2.286238 -5.382388 3.579501
/cut8 | -.1529157 2.264794 -4.591831 4.286
/cut9 | .4205266 2.252341 -3.993981 4.835034
I interpreted this as a sign for the missing difference between the
threshold values. In addition to that I calculated the test of equality
of cut off values:
( 1) [cut1]_cons - [cut2]_cons = 0
( 2) [cut1]_cons - [cut3]_cons = 0
( 3) [cut1]_cons - [cut4]_cons = 0
( 4) [cut1]_cons - [cut5]_cons = 0
( 5) [cut1]_cons - [cut6]_cons = 0
( 6) [cut1]_cons - [cut7]_cons = 0
( 7) [cut1]_cons - [cut8]_cons = 0
( 8) [cut1]_cons - [cut9]_cons = 0
chi2( 8) = 5817.80
Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
The null hypothesis is highly rejected which leads to the conclusion
that the thresholds are different.
Should I rescale the life satisfaction values to avoid overlapping cut
points or is this not necessary? I hope anybody can help me.
Thank you! Best wishes
Christine Kalenborn
Dipl. Volkswirtin Christine Kalenborn
Chair of Economics, esp. Macroeconomics,
Spatial Economics and Regional Science
Institute of Transport & Economics
Faculty of Traffic Sciences "Friedrich List"
Technische Universität Dresden
D-01062 Dresden
Würzburger Str. 35
Room 009
Phone: +49-351-463-36806
Fax: +49-351-463-36819
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