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Re: st: Computing percentiles for each date
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Re: st: Computing percentiles for each date
Mon, 8 Jul 2013 08:04:46 +0100
You should not be surprised. You are using
pctile(exp) [, p(#)]
when you need
rowpctile(varlist) [, p(#)]
The syntax of -pctile()- is that it takes an expression, which cannot
be a varlist with two or more variable names. As it has happens, and
as you report
has an interpretation as an expression, but e.g.
does not. This is all documented in the help for -egen-.
[email protected]
On 8 July 2013 05:52, George Murray <[email protected]> wrote:
> I am working with time series data, and my variables consist of
> monthly returns for 1000 stocks (so the variables are
> date,r1,r2,r3,...,r1000). For each date, I would like to find the 90th
> percentile-return. That is, the return of the stock with the 100th
> highest return, at each date.
> I have tried using -by date: egen p90 = pctile(r1-r1000)-, but Stata
> interprets the 'r1-r1000' as the variable defined by r1 minus r1000,
> rather than the 90th percentile of the returns at each date. This
> approach works if I want to find the mean return at each date, using
> -egen mean = rmean(r1-r1000)-, but I am not sure if there is an
> equivalent code to find percentiles. Does anyone have any ideas on how
> to do this?
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