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Re: st: Tempfile in double loop for correlations

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: Tempfile in double loop for correlations
Date   Thu, 4 Jul 2013 09:05:52 +0100

I can see five kinds of problems here

1. You do not give consistent instructions. You declare that
-postfile- will contain several new variables, but you only attempt to
post two. There should be a one-to-one correspondence, as many results
posted by a -post- statement as are declared in a -postfile-

2. One of the variables you want to post will need to be a string
variable. The longest variable name you use is -postmodernity-, so you
need a -str13- variable.

. di length("postmodernity")

You need to declare -str- variables explicitly. This problem is likely
to be what is biting first, and stopping the code.

3. You do not define any local called -rho-. Attempting to -display- a
non-existent local `rho' is perfectly legal, but -post-ing a
non-existent local to a file  can't be what you want.

It is not an error as such to refer to a non-existent local, but doing
that may often be an error in terms of what you want.

4. What works, as you report, is picking up r(rho) from -correlate-.
But in your more ambitious code you try to use e(rho). That won't do
what you want -correlate- is r-class and does not produce e(rho).

5. -post- didn't work, you got an error message and your code stopped,
but you still expected to see a file with results afterwards. You
would need more than good luck for that.

This is likely to be closer to what you intend.

foreach k in statism modernity postmodernity student {
     tempname memhold
     tempfile results`k'
     postfile `memhold' str13 which corr using `results`k'', replace

     foreach var in histonly soc_oth civonly {
             quietly corr `k' `var'
             post `memhold' ("`k'") (`r(rho)')
postclose `memhold'

All that said, I wouldn't use this code at all. -corrci- (SJ) has an
option to save correlations to a file.

corrci statism modernity postmodernity student histonly soc_oth
civonly, saving(mycorr)

will do this. That will be more correlations than you want, but you
just -drop- what you don't want. (The correlations you don't ask for
could be more interesting than the ones you do ask for.)

For -corrci- see the 2008 paper but download the 2010 code.

SJ-8-3  pr0041  .  Speaking Stata: Corr. with confidence, Fisher's z revisited
        (help corrci, corrcii if installed) . . . . . . . . . . . .  N. J. Cox
        Q3/08   SJ 8(3):413--439
        reviews Fisher's z transformation and its inverse, the
        hyperbolic tangent, and reviews their use in inference
        with correlations

pr0041_1 from
    SJ10-4 pr0041_1.  Update: Correlation with confidence... / Update:
    Correlation with confidence intervals / by Nicholas J. Cox, Durham
    University, Durham City, UK / Support:  [email protected] / After
    installation, type help corrci and corrcii

[email protected]

On 4 July 2013 05:15, Peggy Fan <[email protected]> wrote:

> I wish to save the correlations between two sets of variables.
> Set 1: statism modernity postmodernity student
> Set 2: histonly soc_oth civonly
> I want to save a tempfile for the correlations between statism:set 2 variables, another tempfile for modernity:set2 variables, so forth. So I want to save and outsheet 4 tempfiles.
> I am running the following codes successfully-
> foreach k in statism modernity postmodernity student {
> foreach var of varlist histonly soc_oth civonly {
> quietly corr `k' `var'
> di as text "`: variable label `var'':   " as result r(rho)
>      }
> }
> But I'm having trouble saving the results in tempfiles. I played around with different parts of the code but kept getting error messages. This is an example of what I think should work-
> foreach k in statism modernity postmodernity student {
> tempname memhold
> tempfile results`k'
> postfile `memhold' statism modernity postmodernity student rho using `results`k'', replace
> foreach var of varlist histonly soc_oth civonly {
> quietly corr `k' `var'
> local `k'_`var' = e(rho)
> di `rho'
> post `memhold' ("`k'") (`rho')
>   }
> postclose `memhold'
> }
> Error comes up:
> type mismatch
> When I try to outsheet the data
> use `results`k'', clear
> Error is: invalid specified file.
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