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st: Re:Histogram Axis labels
Michael Stewart <[email protected]>
statalist <[email protected]>
st: Re:Histogram Axis labels
Sun, 9 Jun 2013 23:37:01 -0400
Dear Statalist users ,
I am trying to draw histograms for my variables and due to large
number of variables, am using foreach command along grss (exploratory
data analysis). I have run into problem with x axis labels in
histograms and n was trying to see if anyone has
My code is as follows
foreach x of varlist *{
keep PAT_ID `x'
duplicates drop
sum `x' ,d
tabulate `x'
tabulate `x', sort
tabulate `x', plot sort
grss quantile `x'
grss hist `x',discrete percent addlabel gap(20) xlabel(, valuelabel)
Problem-1: As different variables have different ranges, how can I get
Stata to show value for every bar on x axis
Eg: If I am drawing histogram for years 2001-2007 and I have
observations for every year,stata will show bars corresponding to each
year (with percent value on top of it) , but will not show the
corresponding year on x axis ... it might show 2001, 2003, 2005 2007
on x axis but not 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007(corresponding to
the bar) .
Its easy to do it individually(by adjusting the number of ticks) but
in foreach loop with number of variables, with varying ranges( Eg :
years(range: 2001 - 2010), visits_per_year(range: 1 - 20) etc ) , how
can I program stata to adjust the number of ticks and yet show all
values on the x asis
Thank you ,
Yours Sincerely,
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