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st: xtivreg, fe or fd (time-invariant instrument issue)
priya joshi <[email protected]>
[email protected]
st: xtivreg, fe or fd (time-invariant instrument issue)
Sun, 9 Jun 2013 00:40:18 -0400
I am trying to instrument for a competition measure, private market
share (psvw) with the number of private schools in 1982 (20 years ago)
(nvw1982) in a regression of mathematics score (mat) on control and
explanatory variables. the instrumental variable validity checks
worked out and the instrument seems to be a good predictor of the
competition measure.
I ran the following regressions and got the following results:
. mi estimate, cmdok post: xtivreg mat selective fees dalit enr female
pdropout snew permshare comproom yeardum2 yeardum3 yeardum4 yeardum5
(psvw = nvw1982),fe
Multiple-imputation estimates Imputations = 10
Number of obs = 1029
Group variable: id_ss
Number of groups = 212
Obs per group: min = 3
avg = 4.9
max = 5
Average RVI = 0.0911
Largest FMI = 0.3560
DF adjustment: Large sample DF: min = 78.01
avg = 20980.52
max = 176681.52
Model F test: Equal FMI F( 13,13901.3) = 26.16
Within VCE type: Conventional Prob > F = 0.0000
mat | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
psvw | .8624825 .131875 6.54 0.000 .6037581 1.121207
selective | -.0278851 2.359545 -0.01 0.991 -4.652874 4.597103
fees | .3143015 .1130965 2.78 0.007 .0891442 .5394588
dalit | -1.938628 1.000959 -1.94 0.054 -3.912356 .0351003
enr | 1.230128 .4774831 2.58 0.010 .2920233 2.168233
female | -.5203193 .9466472 -0.55 0.583 -2.376803 1.336164
pdropout | -.2030307 .2400717 -0.85 0.398 -.6740312 .2679699
snew | .0260768 .1462648 0.18 0.859 -.2606485 .3128021
permshare | .1165564 .150686 0.77 0.439 -.1792443 .4123572
comproom | .4153309 .9967468 0.42 0.677 -1.53827 2.368932
yeardum2 | -10.66012 .6900084 -15.45 0.000 -12.01264 -9.307597
yeardum3 | -8.298525 .6960532 -11.92 0.000 -9.662844 -6.934207
yeardum4 | -5.97942 .7454801 -8.02 0.000 -7.440567 -4.518273
yeardum5 | 0 (omitted)
_cons | 7.328137 8.134599 0.90 0.368 -8.628109 23.28438
I then tried to run the xtivreg2 on the same to get errors corrected
for heteroskedasticity and clustering. I got the following error
" . mi estimate, cmdok post: xtivreg2 mat selective fees dalit enr
female pdropout snew permshar
> e comproom yeardum2 yeardum3 yeardum4 yeardum5 (psvw = nvw1982),fe
equation not identified; must have at least as many instruments not in
the regression as there are instrumented variables
an error occurred when mi estimate executed xtivreg2 on m=1
I noted another Stata discussion on this issue
( The
discussion seems to conclude that the fact that the instrument was
time-invariant is the problem.
I wanted to ask if:
1. the xtivreg results for fe can be trusted - especially since this
is an important specification for my analysis.
2. if not, is there a way to do an fe iv regression for this
time-invariant instrumental variable? a time-invariant measure made
the most sense as an instrument since it is a lagged value of private
entry. should i instead construct a 5-year instrumental variable with
the number of private schools that existed in each year?
thank you,
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