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Re: st: change grouping in Stata -graph- command

From   William Buchanan <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: change grouping in Stata -graph- command
Date   Fri, 31 May 2013 06:59:48 -0700

Using the -by()- option will produce multiple graph regions in the same image.  If the user wants things to appear that way, there are two different approaches that will yield equivalent results:

1.) Compute and store the summary statistics of interest for each group (I typically store the results in a matrix); -svmat- the matrix with the results;  use the same graph command with the - (asis) - option before the variable names.

2.) Reshape the data set from wide to long format (e.g., store the responses in a single column vector and use an additional variable to identify the survey item of interest), then use two - over() - options to get the intended aesthetic:

set obs 100
g byte treat=rbinomial(1,.5) ///  Create a random treatment indicator
g loc = runiform() /// Generate a random uniform variable for location
sort loc /// Sort on the values of location
g price = runiform() /// Generate a random uniform variable for price
sort loc price ///  Sort on the values of location and price
g temp = runiform() /// Generate a random uniform variable for temperature
foreach v of var loc price temp { 
	egen `v'_b = cut(`v'), group(7) /// Create new versions of the variables with 7 discrete values
	drop `v'
rename (loc_b price_b temp_b)(v1 v2 v3) /// rename the variables to make it easier to reshape the data
g id = _n ///  Generate individual IDs
reshape long v, i(id treat) j(var) ///   Reshape the data and create a new variable 'var' that identifies the specific items (1 = Location; 2 = Price; 3 = Temperature)
gr bar v, over(treat) asyvar over(var) /// Generate the graph with the aesthetic that you wanted 

I tend to think the second method is a bit easier to use and makes it a bit easier to control some of the aesthetics if you're trying to create graphs that will be used in various publications or deliverables.  There  will be a gap between the items in the graph, but no gap between treatment and control groups (although treatment and control will each have their own color).  


On May 31, 2013, at 6:06 AM, Alexis Penot <[email protected]> wrote:

> Using by instead of over ?
> Alexis
> Le 31 mai 2013 à 14:58, Andrea Bennett <[email protected]> a écrit :
>> Hi there
>> I've spent hours on the following issue but seem to be unable to find the correct way to deal with such a graph:
>> I have questionnaire data where people are ask how much they liked some aspect; e.g. three variables LOCATION, PRICE, TEMPERATURE (all 1-7 scale).
>> Both the treatment and control group filled in the same questionnaire. I want to see graphically how the treatment and control groups differ in above dimensions.
>> The following produces the correct data but groups in a "wrong" way. The groups are divided into treated/not-treated:
>> graph bar location price temperature, over(treated)
>> However, I would like to have the following:
>> Location - not treated
>> Location - treated
>> [gap]
>> Price - not treated
>> Price - treated
>> [gap]
>> Temperature - not treated
>> Temperature - treated
>> I really don't see who I can produce this result. Options such as -asy- or -asc- seem to go into the right direction but are not producing the result I desire. I would think that this is a rather common feature but it seems utterly difficult to get.
>> Any suggestions?
>> Many thanks in advance,
>> Andrea
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