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st: ivqreg user-written code

From   Katie Farrin <>
Subject   st: ivqreg user-written code
Date   Thu, 23 May 2013 07:16:56 -0400

I cannot find the user-written code for IV quantile regression;  I have an
article published in Stata Journal that outlines how to use ivqreg, but I
don't see it when I search using findit.  I have seen threads on Statalist
saying that other people have used it and have downloaded it from Stata, so
I don't know if it was removed or if I'm doing something wrong.  Is there
another way I can download and use the ado file if I cannot find it using
Stata's search?  If I download the ado file outside of Stata, what is the
best way to access it from my hard drive using Stata?


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