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Re: st: Estout title help

From   Clinton Thompson <>
Subject   Re: st: Estout title help
Date   Fri, 10 May 2013 22:56:03 +0200

Try to add -mtitles()- to the syntax.  For example:

estout m1 using "was.txt", replace cells("b(star fmt(2)) ci(par fmt(2)) p") ///
starlevels(* 0.001) stats(N, fmt(%9.0g)) legend label variables(_cons
constant) ///

Hope this helps,

On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 10:16 PM, Kanter, Rebecca <> wrote:
> Dear Statalist,
> Ever since switching to STATA12 SE and/or a Mac computer, I am not sure why these commands do not put the specified title for the model in the first row of the text file output?
> Any help you can provide would be much appreciated.
> For example, given the model:
> xi: glm wca waz var1 var2 if site==1, family(gaussian) link(identity)
> estimates store m1, title("Model-Brazil")
> estout m1 using "waz.txt", replace cells("b(star fmt(2)) ci(par fmt(2)) p") ///
> starlevels(* 0.001) stats(N, fmt(%9.0g)) legend label varlabels(_cons constant)
> Instead of saying "m1" for the model title in the text file I would like it to say "Model-Brazil"
> Example .txt file that is now produced with the above commands when I run then using Stata 12 SE on a mac:
> m1
>         b               ci95                         p
> waz     1.16*   [0.85,1.47]     0.00
> From my previous experience, the commands above should produce:
> Model-Brazil
>         b               ci95                         p
> waz     1.16*   [0.85,1.47]     0.00
> Again, any help you can provide about how to make sure my model title is in the first row of a text file would be much appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Rebecca
> ___________________________________________
> Rebecca M. Kanter, PhD
> Post-doctoral fellow at INCAP in Guatemala City, Guatemala
> Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
> Department of International Health
> Center for Human Nutrition
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