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st: Solving simultaneous equations
Rohit Sonika <[email protected]>
Statalist <[email protected]>
st: Solving simultaneous equations
Fri, 3 May 2013 15:13:28 +0100
I have never programmed in Stata, so I am reaching out to the community for some help. Here is my problem:
I have two equations, with two unknowns as follows:
1. price = val - (a/b)*(val*normal(price/strike) - strike*normal(price/strike))
2. sd = vol * (val/price) * (1-(a/b)*strike*normal(price/strike))
The two unknowns in the above equations are 'val' and 'vol' while the other variables are observed.
I am taking a numerical approach to trying to solve for above equations. Since, I create a dataset and declare variables as follows:
set obs 10000
gen double price = (100-1)*runiform()+1
gen double strike = (100-1)*runiform()+1
gen rate = 0.0025*int(60*runiform())
gen double b = 100
gen double a = (0.15-0.0001)*runiform()*n
gen double sd = (0.30-0.05)*runiform()+0.05
The program I created to populate values of 'val' and 'vol' is as follows:
program nlwar
syntax varlist(min=1 max=1) [if], at(name)
tempname val vol
scalar `val' = `at'[1,1]
scalar `vol' = `at'[1,2]
tempvar abc
gen double `abc' = `val' - (a/b)*(`val'*normal(`val'/strike * `vol') - strike*normal(`val'/strike)) - price + 1 in 1
replace `abc' = (`vol'/sd) * (`val'/price) * (1-(a/b)*strike*normal(`val'/strike)) - 1 in 2
replace `varlist' = `abc'
gen y = 0
replace y = 1 in 1
nl war @ y, parameters(val vol) initial(val 1 vol 1)
When I run the above program, Stata gives me an error stating 'verify that nlwar is a function evaluator program'.
Any help on this query would be appreciated. I am using Stata version 12.
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