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From | "Fogel, James" <> |
To | "" <> |
Subject | st: Incomplete output when using -esttab- after -mlogit- |
Date | Thu, 2 May 2013 14:14:41 +0000 |
Dear Statalist, I have found that when I run an -mlogit- model and specify a base category other than the default, the results do not display properly when I use esttab. I run the following code: use, clear xi i.nonwhite eststo clear eststo: mlogit insure _Inonwhite_1 _Isite_2 _Isite_3 if male, base(1) eststo: mlogit insure _Inonwhite_1 _Isite_2 _Isite_3 if !male, base(2) esttab, unstack esttab, unstack drop(o.*) But my output from the second esttab (with the option drop(o.*)) is missing a column. There should be a fourth column entitled "Indemnity": (1) (2) insure insure Prepaid Uninsure Uninsure ------------------------------------------------------------ _Inonwhite_1 1.024 -0.307 -0.615 (1.87) (-0.27) (-1.33) _Isite_2 0.310 -2.111 -0.891 (0.76) (-1.92) (-1.62) _Isite_3 -0.680 -1.019 0.690 (-1.50) (-1.37) (1.52) _cons 0.224 -0.826* -1.657*** (0.76) (-2.04) (-4.66) ------------------------------------------------------------ N 154 462 Does anyone know why this may be occurring? I have run across in a number of different specifications using different data sets. The issue seems to arise from the way Stata stores the coefficients for the omitted base categories, but I can't figure out why. Thanks Jamie Fogel * * For searches and help try: * * *