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Re: st: general debugging question

From   Jeph Herrin <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: general debugging question
Date   Tue, 23 Apr 2013 14:07:36 -0400

I'm closing the file handles, but good suggestion to -graph drop- each graph. I'll see if that works.


On 4/23/2013 1:37 PM, Christopher Zbrozek wrote:
Hi Jeph,

Are you closing your file handles (file close) and dropping your
graphs from memory (graph drop) when you're done creating the
corresponding output file/graph? I could see the Stata executable
getting cranky if it has hundreds of file handles open or hundreds of
graphs in memory, because those are unusual use cases and it's quite
possible the executable's not designed to handle that.

Christopher Zbrozek

On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 1:18 PM, Jeph Herrin <[email protected]> wrote:


I'm running Stata 12.1 on a Win7 64b machine (among others). I have -do-
file which takes about 12 hours to run;
it grinds through a large database, creating ~1600 reports each consisting
of plain text written out with -file-
statements and some Stata graphs exported as -wmf- files.

The problem is that on every occasion that I have run this -do- file, Stata
has stopped after about 600-800
reports. It does not give an error - in fact, it simply hangs up, and does
not respond to any input, and has to be
shut down via killing the process. Because of this, I have no idea why the
program has hung - I can delete the
most recent report, restart, and it finishes everything fine. The machine is
not connected to the internet and
does no automatic updating etc, and, while one can never tell with Windoze,
it doesn't seem to matter what time
of day I run it. Running reports for a small sample (anywhere from 1 to 100)
has never produced the problem.

This is a nusiance, especially as I would like to run this overnight so that
I might use the machine for other things during the day. I have tried
various tricks to try to trap the problem. However, none work, because it
seems to be
the Stata kernel that halts. First question: is there some way to find out
what is happening?

The machine has 24gb RAM, but I still suspect that with the many graphs and
-file write- statements, some buffer or
other is overflowing. So second question: are there some buffers I can clear
within the loop that might resolve
the problem?

Thanks for any suggestions,

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