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Re: st: repeated measures
Harrison Alter <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: repeated measures
Wed, 27 Feb 2013 09:48:36 -0800
Thank you Dave --
sorry to be so obtuse. the design is a prospective cohort of healthy volunteers.
the test is a unrinalysis, on which is re reported five relevant
indices: nitrates, leukesterase, WBCs, epithelial cells and bacteria
we collect these twice, by different methods, 1 and 2, from each subject
The outcome variable is whether the sample grew a out bacterial
evidence that the collection was "contaminated"
So, in wide form, I have:
subjid nit1 leuk1 W1 epi1 bac1 contam1 nit2 leuk2 W2 bac2 contam2
in long form I have a "collect" variable, 1 or 2, and then nit, leuk,
W, epi, bac and contam
I want to analyse all 80 specimens for the odds that a given index
result will predict contamination, accounting for repeated measures on
both the predictors and the outcome of "contaminated"
I hope this clears it up!
Thanks for you help,
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