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Re: st: reliability with -icc- and -estat icc-
"JVerkuilen (Gmail)" <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: reliability with -icc- and -estat icc-
Tue, 26 Feb 2013 23:41:13 -0500
On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 9:26 PM, Lenny Lesser <[email protected]> wrote:
> so I did the model the way Rebecca suggested and get an ICC of 0.34
> (with Rator as a class)
> Then I did it the way you did it and got an ICC as 0.22 (with Rator
> not class, but with covariance as independent)
> I'm concerned in your model the Rator is not a class/dummy variable.
I fit the analog of the randomized block design, with random Rator but
fixed Applications.
. xtmixed Score i.Application if Rator != 4, || Rator:, covariance(identity) var
If you fit it as a class variable but omitting Rator 4 (which I just
tried) it pushes the R.Rator random effect to 0. I took Rebecca's code
(minus the little typo of Rator spelled as Rater) and simply added the
relevant if:
. xtmixed Score i.Application if Rator != 4, || _all: R.Rator,
(Notice that both models exclude Rator 4.)
These two models are statistically equivalent because they have the
same residual log likelihood. I'm not sure why the _all: R.Rator is
used here. Rebecca, could you chime in? I'm not saying you're wrong.
Sometimes there are different ways of computing the same model. (I
need to reread the manual.)
JVVerkuilen, PhD
[email protected]
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