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Re: st: using macro lists
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: using macro lists
Sat, 16 Feb 2013 19:40:05 +0000
This code
foreach v of varlist ``c'list' {
local inset_`c'`v' : list ``c'`v'' in `labmatch'
di `v' if `inset_`c'`v'' == 1
should fail because -display- does not support -if-.. What you may
have meant is
foreach v of varlist ``c'list' {
local inset_`c'`v' : list ``c'`v'' in `labmatch'
if `inset_`c'`v'' == 1 di `v'
That can be condensed to
foreach v of varlist ``c'list' {
if `: list ``c'`v'' in `labmatch'' di `v'
although I suspect that you want to see the name "`v'" not the value
`v' (which will mean `v'[1].
foreach v of varlist ``c'list' {
if `: list ``c'`v'' in `labmatch'' di "`v'"
You use -ds3- which is one of mine on SSC from 2002. For your purpose
It's been superseded by
-findname- (SJ), although it still works. You are asked to explain
where user-written programs you refer to come from.
On Sat, Feb 16, 2013 at 2:09 PM, Bowser, William (IITA)
<[email protected]> wrote:
> I am trying to map sets of variables from different data sets with (possibly) different names, but the same labels and attributes. I have developed the following code thus far and encountered a syntax error that I can't resolve.
> /*=========================================================================*/
> //extract sublists of non-attached variables from each country data set //
> /*===========================================================================*/
> local country Ghana Mali
> foreach c of local country {
> qui ds3 if a1 =="`c'", all(missing(X))
> * di "`c'"
> * di "`r(varlist)'"
> local `c'list `r(varlist)' // this is the variable list for each country //
> * di "``c'list'"
> }
> foreach c of local country {
> local `c'lablist
> foreach v of varlist ``c'list' {
> local `c'`v': variable label `v'
> local `c'lablist "``c'lablist' "`c'`v'"" //create list of labels in each country //
> * di "`c'"
> * di "`v'`c'"
> }
> }
> /*=============================================================================*/
> //Create a list of the intersection of each `country'lablist //
> /*=============================================================================*/
> ***remember to generalize this later ***
> local labmatch : list Ghanalablist & Malilablist // this works fine ! //
> local n : word count `labmatch'
> di "`n'"
> foreach c of local country {
> local `c'labmatch :list `c'lablist & labmatch
> local n`c' : word count ``c'labmatch'
> }
> // verify matches //
> assert `nGhana' == `nMali'
> local same : list Ghanalabmatch==Malilabmatch // check to make sure the lists have the same labels //
> di "`same'"
> foreach c of local country {
> foreach v of varlist ``c'list' {
> local inset_`c'`v' : list ``c'`v'' in `labmatch'
> di `v' if `inset_`c'`v'' == 1
> }
> }
> The above code seems like it should work to me but Stata gives me a syntax error when I run it. Please, any help would be greatly appreciated.
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