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st: dropping the lowest three observations

From   "John Levendis" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: dropping the lowest three observations
Date   Thu, 14 Feb 2013 12:38:35 -0600

Hello Statalisters,

I'm doing my grading on Stata, and I'd like to drop each student's
lowest three grades. Each row is a student, and for each student I have
their quiz grades as Q1, Q2, Q3, and so on. How can I compute their
average grades while dropping their lowest three Qs? Incidentally, these
quiz grades are out of 10 pts, so it is quite common for students to
have multiple quizzes with the same scores. (Some kind of nested rmin()
function, I'm sure, but I can't figure it out.)

Thanks, as always, for you help.

--John Levendis

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