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Re: st: For loops, If Statements and Delimiters

From   Ryan Stevens <>
Subject   Re: st: For loops, If Statements and Delimiters
Date   Mon, 11 Feb 2013 14:54:15 -0500

I'm guessing that using Stata 12 should have no effect? Also, this is
code I've extracted from a larger do file and changed a bit to make it
more general. If you're getting it to work, maybe there's something
going on with the rest of my do file that I'm unaware of. But I was
hoping to see if anyone else had had similar issues with delimiters
and for loops. Thanks both of you for responding so quickly.


On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 2:48 PM, Joerg Luedicke
<> wrote:
> FWIW, I cannot replicate this. Running the following in Stata 11.2:
> *------------------------------------------
> clear
> set obs 100
> forval i=1/3 {
>         gen var`i' = `i'
> }
> # delimit ;
> local j = 1;
> foreach x of varlist var1-var3{;
>        forval i = 1/12{;
>              if(`j'<3){;
>                  replace `x' = `x'[`i']-`x'[`j'] in `i';
>                  local j = `j' + 1;
>              };
>              else{;
>                  replace `x' = `x'[`i']-`x'[`j'] in `i';
>                  local j = 3;
>              };
>         };
> };
> *------------------------------------------
> works as expected:
> <snip>
> - forval i = 1/12{
> - if(`j'<3){
> = if(1<3){
> - replace `x' = `x'[`i']-`x'[`j'] in `i'
> <snip>
> Joerg
> On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 2:41 PM, Nick Cox <> wrote:
>> Any suggestion? Mine would include not using ; as a delimiter.   More
>> positively, I would always put a space before each brace.
>> My vague recollection is that there are some very obscure bugs that
>> can bite with semi-colons, although a search did not turn up a precise
>> post, but spaces before braces might be the territory.
>> Nick
>> On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 7:30 PM, Ryan Stevens <> wrote:
>>> I have been having an issue with using for loop and if statements
>>> together with a semi-colon delimiter. The following is some example
>>> code for the problem I've come across:
>>> # delimit ;
>>> local j = 1;
>>> foreach x of varlist var1-var3{;
>>>        forval i = 1/12{;
>>>              if(`j'<3){;
>>>                  replace `x' = `x'[`i']-`x'[`j'] in `i';
>>>                  local j = `j' + 1;
>>>              };
>>>              else{;
>>>                  replace `x' = `x'[`i']-`x'[`j'] in `i';
>>>                  local j = 3;
>>>              };
>>>         };
>>> };
>>> Whenever I try running this I get an error on my if statement, where
>>> Stata interprets "< 3" as a variable name. Any suggestions for loops
>>> and if statements using delimiters would be greatly appreciated.
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