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st: Random Slope, Binary Outcome and AME

From   Thomas Schübel <>
Subject   st: Random Slope, Binary Outcome and AME
Date   Mon, 14 Jan 2013 12:37:06 +0100

dear all,

i am working with community clustered data on health inequalities. the hypothesis is that community (level 2) attributes like local economic deprivation are buffering/strengthen the relation between individual income and individual health. That all works for continous outcome data (like self reported health), but for my binary outome (diagnosis yes-no) i am quite confused. i have to report average marginal effects (there might be different possibilities, but i definitely have to report them).
Which stata command is working for random intercept / random slope 
models with a binary outcome and can be combined with a command creating 
average marginal effects?
thanks a lot for your help
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