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st: how to implement a dictionary (aka map, look-up table)

From   Andrin Foster <>
Subject   st: how to implement a dictionary (aka map, look-up table)
Date   Sat, 15 Dec 2012 19:45:59 -0500

I'm trying to set a value based on observation variables matching
relevant dictionary entries.
I've tried to implement a dictionary amongst the variables in Stata,
however, I can't compare my results to the dictionary because the
dictionary entries and results are counted as different observations.

my code was:
gen Value = MetaValue if X==MetaX & Y==MetaY & Z==MetaZ

where the data used was formatted as such:

X        Y        Z        MetaX        MetaY        MetaZ        MetaValue
1        5        3          .                  .                  .
3        2        7          .                  .                  .
9        1        4          .                  .                  .
.         .         .           1                 1                 1
.         .         .           1                 1                 2
.         .         .           1                 2                 1

Running the above code will not output an error code but will instead
produce all missing values since the comparisons always resolve to

In psudocode, Stata is currently running...
for i in range observations:
        Value[i] = MetaValue[i] if X[i]==MetaX[i] & Y[i]==MetaY[i] &

...when what I need is...
for i in range observations:
    for k in range dictionary:
            Value[i] = MetaValue[k] if X[i]==MetaX[k] & Y[i]==MetaY[k]
& Z[i]==MetaZ[k]

What is the proper function or data format to achieve my goal?

I'm using Stata 12 on Mac OS 10.7.5

Andrin Knight Foster
Case Western '12
Economics, English
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