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st: how many d.f. in the vcv for the within estimator?
"Impavido, Gregorio" <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
st: how many d.f. in the vcv for the within estimator?
Tue, 11 Dec 2012 19:40:34 -0500
Dear all,
I am trying to replicate the result of -xtreg, fe- in mata. Given that the individual effects are not estimated after the within transform, shouldn't the degrees of freedom used for the estimate of the variance of the residuals be (N*T-k-1) instead of N*(T-1)-k (where N=number of panels, T=periods,k=number of regressors)? I have added the intercept = the meant of the dep variable as in STATA manual.
I paste the code used below which reproduces the results after if force df_r= N*(T-1)-k. Any suggestion would be welcome.
With kind regards
* this do file reproduces the results of -xtreg, fe- using mata
* it works only with balanced panels
* For corrections and suggestions, Gregorio Impavido ([email protected])
************************************ START ************************************
use " ", clear
rename invest I
rename mvalue F
rename kstock C
sort company time
gen touse=(I!=. & F!=. & C!=.) // ignore eventual missing obs
* example of panel within estimator
mata clear // clear the workspace
T = 20 // Number of observations per groups
N = 10 // Number of groups
Z = st_data(.,("F","C"),"touse") // (NTxk) matrix of regressors
Y = st_data(.,("I"),"touse") // (NTx1) vector of dep var
i = J(rows(Z),1,1) // (NTx1) vector of ones, declare a
X = Z,i
it = J(T,1,1) // (Tx1) vector of ones, declare a
in = J(N,1,1) // (Tx1) vector of ones, declare a
B = pinv(T)*I(N)#(it*it') // (NTxNT) between-individual operator
Bbar = pinv(N)*(in*in')#I(T) // (NTxNT) between-individual operator
Q = I(N*T)-B // (NTxNT) Q within transform
* Qbar = I(N*T)-Bbar // (NTxNT) Qbar within period operator
Ybar = B*Bbar*Y // (NTx1) vector of mean dep var
Zbar = B*Bbar*Z // (NTxk) matrix of mean regressor var
Ytilda = Q*Y + Ybar // added overall mean
Ztilda = Q*Z + Zbar // added overall mean
Xtilda = Ztilda,i // (NTxk+1) add column of 1s (intercept)
b_fe = pinv(Xtilda'Xtilda)*Xtilda'*Ytilda // (k+1x1) vector of beta hat
k = cols(Z) // (1x1) No of regressors
u = (Ytilda-Xtilda*b_fe) // (NTx1) uhat, fitted residuals
df_r = (N*(T-1)-k) // (1x1) residual d.f. (shouldn't be NT-k-1??)
rss = (u'*u) // (1x1) unrestricted residual sum of squares
mse = rss/df_r // (1x1) mean squared error
vcv = mse*pinv(Xtilda'Xtilda) // (NTxk+1) VCOV matrix
se = sqrt(diagonal(vcv)) // (k+1x1) vector of s.e. of the beta hat
t = b_fe:/se // (k+1x1) vector of t statistics
pt = 2*ttail(df_r,abs(t)) // (k+1x1) vector of pvalues
crit = invttail(df_r,0.025) // (k+1x1) bhat~T(df_r)(b,V(b))
cil = b_fe-crit*se // (k+1x1) vector of low CI
cih = b_fe+crit*se // (k+1x1) vector of high CI
rss, df_r, mse
b_fe, se, t, pt, cil, cih
xtset company time
xtreg I F C, fe // to cross check
************************************* END *************************************
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