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st: two-parts model bootstrap using XTGEE
"Li, Elena (Zhonghe)" <[email protected]>
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
st: two-parts model bootstrap using XTGEE
Mon, 3 Dec 2012 19:11:33 +0000
We are fitting a two-parts model on health care cost using longitudinal data.
Part1 is modeling whether there is any cost, and
Part2 is modeling the cost when if there is a cost.
The goal is to bootstrap the difference in difference (post_pilot) in terms of the p0*p1 (the predicted probability of having cost * the predicted cost).
I am a SAS user and tried to put the following Stata program together. The models converged the first time but when the replication starts the modeling does not converge:
"convergence not achieved
an error occurred when bootstrap executed tempa, posting missing values"
Can you please help? Thank you.
Zhonghe Li
sort member qtr
by member qtr: drop if _n~=1
egen memberid=group(member)
egen practice=group(pcp)
gen newid=memberid
xtset newid qtr
generate sample=(1-missing(havecost, logcost, female, aet, uhc, ant, Qtr_months, age1-age4, qtr, health, post, pilot, post_pilot))
keep if sample
matrix define results = (1,2,3)
capture program drop tempa
program define tempa, rclass
xtgee havecost i.female aet uhc ant Qtr_months age1-age4 qtr health i.pilot i.post_pilot, family(binomial) link(logit) corr(ar 1)
gen truepost=post
gen truepilot=pilot
gen true_post_pilot=post_pilot
replace post=0
replace pilot=0
replace post_pilot=0
predict pre_control_p1
replace pilot=1
predict pre_pilot_p1
replace post=1
replace post_pilot=1
predict post_pilot_p1
replace pilot=0
replace post_pilot=0
predict post_control_p1
replace post=truepost
replace pilot=truepilot
replace post_pilot=true_post_pilot
xtgee logcost female aet uhc ant Qtr_months age1-age4 qtr health post pilot post_pilot if logcost>0, family(gamma) link(log) corr(ar 1) vce(robust)
replace post=0
replace pilot=0
replace post_pilot=0
predict pre_control_p2, mu
replace pilot=1
predict pre_pilot_p2, mu
replace post=1
replace post_pilot=1
predict post_pilot_p2, mu
replace pilot=0
replace post_pilot=0
predict post_control_p2, mu
drop post pilot post_pilot
rename truepost post
rename truepilot pilot
rename true_post_pilot post_pilot
gen phat_pre_control=pre_control_p1*pre_control_p2
gen phat_pre_pilot=pre_pilot_p1*pre_pilot_p2
gen phat_post_pilot=post_pilot_p1*post_pilot_p2
gen phat_post_control=post_control_p1*post_control_p2
gen diff_pilot=phat_post_pilot-phat_pre_pilot
gen diff_control=phat_post_control-phat_pre_control
gen diff_in_diff=diff_pilot-diff_control
summ diff_pilot
return scalar m_diff_pilot = r(mean)
local var1 = r(mean)
summ diff_control
return scalar m_diff_control = r(mean)
local var2 = r(mean)
summ diff_in_diff
return scalar m_diff_in_diff = r(mean)
local var3 = r(mean)
matrix define temp=(`var1',`var2',`var3')
matrix define results = results \ temp
matrix list results
quietly: drop diff* pre_* post_control_p1 post_control_p2 post_pilot_p1 post_pilot_p2 phat*
*quietly: scalar drop _all
bootstrap mean_diff_pilot=r(m_diff_pilot) mean_diff_control=r(m_diff_control) mean_diff_in_diff=r(m_diff_in_diff), noisily strata(pilot) cluster(memberid) idcluster(newid) group(qtr) reps(100) seed(1234567) : tempa
svmat results, names(diff)
outsheet twopartdiff* using diff.csv, comma replace
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