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RE: st: Stata hlm does not produce mdm file
Hawal Shamon <[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
RE: st: Stata hlm does not produce mdm file
Wed, 28 Nov 2012 17:41:32 +0100
Dear Jun,
did you include HLM in the PATH variable? See help hlm. There you will find a link under "Description" on how to proceed.
And restart your computer before trying to run your dofile again.
> From: [email protected]
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: st: Stata hlm does not produce mdm file
> Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2012 14:27:28 -0600
> Dear statalisters,
> I am trying to use hlm (the Stata ado file written by Sean F. Reardon at Stanford) in Stata to run HLM. See part of my codes below: cntnew is the country id, and individuals are nested within countries. `depvar' is a macro for a dependent variable, and `lev1' and `lev2' are two macro's for level 1 and level 2 variables. What I noticed in my file directory after running hlm mkmdm is that a mdmt (multivariate data matrix template) was produced, but not the mdm file. I am using HLM6.08 and Stata11.2. Also before running the hlm suite of commands, I merged individual level and country level data, and then sorted by the country id, cntnew. I also dropped level-2 missing. These two are considered to be some common causes of failure to produce mdm files. But I don't have any problem running HLM (models) in HLM (the software) following the right procedures. I think I might have missed something....Any insight will be greatly appreciated.
> **************************************************
> . hlm mkmdm using prgm\mdm00, id2(cntnew) ///
> > l1( `depvar' `lev1') ///
> > l2( `lev2' ) ///
> > miss(now) norun replace
> (note: file prgm\mdm00.dta not found)
> file prgm\mdm00.dta saved
> .
> .
> . hlm mdmset prgm\mdm00
> file prgm\mdm00.mdm not found
> . which hlm
> C:\....\Stata11\ado\plus\h\hlm.ado
> *! version 2.0, sean f. reardon, 30dec2005
> ***************************************************
> Jun Xu, PhD
> Department of Sociology
> Ball State University
> Muncie, IN 46037
> *
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