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st: comformability error

From   Violeta Carrion <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: comformability error
Date   Mon, 5 Nov 2012 11:21:08 -0600


I am new to manipulating matrices in the sense of trying to reproduce
a tailored output from what Stata would typically generate. I have a
situation with a large number of variables over a longitudinal scheme
over different weighs for a complex survey situation. I am trying to
label the rows of the output matrix such that a very large output is
more readable. What I think is happening is that on the cases where a
variable has 4 labels instead of 3 the matrix sizes mismatch and fails
due to the comformabilty error. Yet due to my lack of experience I am
not fully convinced of this either. I have not been able to muster a
solution and was looking for any suggestions which would be hightly

The code below is an extraction for 2 variables of the larger syntax
file. Below this, there is the output Stata generates with the error.
The variables have a multiword labels. For my purposes it will suffice
if I label the row matrices with the numeric values for each variable.

Thanks for your time and help!, Violeta Carrion,  Chicago

capture program drop getnumbers
program getnumbers
	* getnumbers YEAR K gradelevelnum variable
 capture noisily confirm matrix e(Col)
               if !_rc {
						di in yellow "     R:`e(rowvar)'    C:`e(colvar)' Yr:`1'
W:`e(wvar)' G:`2' subpop: `3'"
						*di  e(cmdline)
						mat define newprop = e(Prop)
						*mat list e(Prop)
						mat colnames newprop = `:colnames e(Col)'
*mat rownames newprop = `:colnames e(Row)'
							*mat list newprop
						*----->>>>>>>>>>> mat rownames newprop = `:colnames e(Row)'	
/*<-problem line. */
							mat u = J(rowsof(matrix(e(Prop))),1,1)
							*mat list u
							mat c = u'*e(Prop)
							*mat list c
							matrix f = J(rowsof(matrix(e(Prop))),colsof(c),0)
							*matrix list f
	levelsof `4', local(rlevels) /*<-problem line. */
							local nr=rowsof(matrix(e(Prop)))
							local nc=colsof(c)
							di in red "`nr' `nc'"
	mat rownames f = `rlevels'
							mat colnames f = `:colnames e(Col)'
							forvalues rn = 1/`nr' {
								forvalues cn = 1/`nc' {
									 matrix f[`rn',`cn']= (newprop[`rn',`cn']/c[1,`cn']) *100
							matrix list f
				di 	"p ..................................................................
				matrix drop f
				matrix drop u
				matrix drop c
				matrix drop newprop
				local nc=0
				local nr=0
               else {
					di in red	"NO DATA available.... R:`4' C:`demovar' Yr:`1'
W:`e(wvar)' G:`2' subpop: `3'"
				capture matrix drop newprop

svyset psu [pw=distnrwgt_d], strata(stratum) fpc(d_fpc)

forvalues yr=1(1)5 {
 capture quietly svy, subpop(if dist_3==1): tab ng9r region if
gradelevelnumeric==1 & year==`yr', percent col format(%7.2f)
	getnumbers "`yr'" "1" "dist_3" ng9r
 capture quietly svy, subpop(if dist_3==1): tab ng10r region if
gradelevelnumeric==1 & year==`yr', percent col format(%7.2f)
	getnumbers "`yr'" "1" "dist_3" ng10r


*===================== same code but being runned....
 svyset psu [pw=distnrwgt_d], strata(stratum) fpc(d_fpc)

      pweight: distnrwgt_d
          VCE: linearized
  Single unit: missing
     Strata 1: stratum
         SU 1: psu
        FPC 1: d_fpc

. forvalues yr=1(1)5 {
  2.  capture quietly svy, subpop(if dist_3==1): tab ng9r region if
gradelevelnumeric==1 & year==`yr', percent col format(%7.2f)
  3.         getnumbers "`yr'" "1" "dist_3" ng9r
  4.  capture quietly svy, subpop(if dist_3==1): tab ng10r region if
gradelevelnumeric==1 & year==`yr', percent col format(%7.2f)
  5.         getnumbers "`yr'" "1" "dist_3" ng10r
  6. }
     R:ng9r    C:region Yr:1 W:distnrwgt_d G:1 subpop: dist_3
0 1 2
3 4

        west    midwest      south   northeas
0  86.956795  92.829315  91.977746  76.572976
1  7.1904915  1.4491433  .36791124  1.6357844
2   5.852714   5.721542  7.6543424   21.79124
p ..................................................................
     R:ng10r    C:region Yr:1 W:distnrwgt_d G:1 subpop: dist_3
0 1 2 4
3 4
conformability error

end of do-file


. matrix list e(Col)

        west   midwest     south  northeas
r1         1         2         3         4

. labellist ng10r
           0 no policy or provision
           1 Weak policy
           2 strong policy
           4 bans vending machines or all competitive foods & beverages
          .g grade level NA
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