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Re: st: sum issue (wrong values)

From   Christian Bärtsch <>
To   "" <>
Subject   Re: st: sum issue (wrong values)
Date   Wed, 24 Oct 2012 13:14:13 +0200

Thanks for your support Daniel, Nick and Maarten. I could resolve the problem

The issue that was display using  labelbook, problems. The issue was
numeric -> numeric. I was able to solve this problem using destring.

Again, thank you so much!

2012/10/24 Christian Baertsch <>:
> I tried your suggestion, Nick (I hope I understood it correctly):
> . list in 1/10
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>   1. |   subject | trialnum |         blockcode | correct | latency |
>      | 108482228 |        2 | attributepractice |       1 |    4720 |
>      |--------------------------------------------------------------|
>      |                           latenc~t                           |
>      |                               4720                           |
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>   2. |   subject | trialnum |         blockcode | correct | latency |
>      | 108482228 |        3 | attributepractice |       1 |    3923 |
>      |--------------------------------------------------------------|
>      |                           latenc~t                           |
>      |                               3923                           |
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>   3. |   subject | trialnum |         blockcode | correct | latency |
>      | 108482228 |        4 | attributepractice |       1 |    1844 |
>      |--------------------------------------------------------------|
>      |                           latenc~t                           |
>      |                               1844                           |
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>   4. |   subject | trialnum |         blockcode | correct | latency |
>      | 108482228 |        5 | attributepractice |       1 |    1435 |
>      |--------------------------------------------------------------|
>      |                           latenc~t                           |
>      |                               1435                           |
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>   5. |   subject | trialnum |         blockcode | correct | latency |
>      | 108482228 |        6 | attributepractice |       1 |    2955 |
>      |--------------------------------------------------------------|
>      |                           latenc~t                           |
>      |                               2955                           |
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>   6. |   subject | trialnum |         blockcode | correct | latency |
>      | 108482228 |        7 | attributepractice |       1 |    1483 |
>      |--------------------------------------------------------------|
>      |                           latenc~t                           |
>      |                               1483                           |
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>   7. |   subject | trialnum |         blockcode | correct | latency |
>      | 108482228 |        8 | attributepractice |       1 |    3459 |
>      |--------------------------------------------------------------|
>      |                           latenc~t                           |
>      |                               3459                           |
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>   8. |   subject | trialnum |         blockcode | correct | latency |
>      | 108482228 |        9 | attributepractice |       1 |    1004 |
>      |--------------------------------------------------------------|
>      |                           latenc~t                           |
>      |                               1004                           |
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>   9. |   subject | trialnum |         blockcode | correct | latency |
>      | 108482228 |       10 | attributepractice |       1 |    1716 |
>      |--------------------------------------------------------------|
>      |                           latenc~t                           |
>      |                               1716                           |
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>  10. |   subject | trialnum |         blockcode | correct | latency |
>      | 108482228 |       11 | attributepractice |       1 |    1372 |
>      |--------------------------------------------------------------|
>      |                           latenc~t                           |
>      |                               1372                           |
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
> . summarize latency_int
>     Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
> -------------+--------------------------------------------------------
>  latency_int |      5760    1102.242    700.1589          2       1999
> . list in 1/10
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>   1. |   subject | trialnum |         blockcode | correct | latency |
>      | 108482228 |        2 | attributepractice |       1 |    4720 |
>      |--------------------------------------------------------------|
>      |                           latenc~t                           |
>      |                               4720                           |
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>   2. |   subject | trialnum |         blockcode | correct | latency |
>      | 108482228 |        3 | attributepractice |       1 |    3923 |
>      |--------------------------------------------------------------|
>      |                           latenc~t                           |
>      |                               3923                           |
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>   3. |   subject | trialnum |         blockcode | correct | latency |
>      | 108482228 |        4 | attributepractice |       1 |    1844 |
>      |--------------------------------------------------------------|
>      |                           latenc~t                           |
>      |                               1844                           |
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>   4. |   subject | trialnum |         blockcode | correct | latency |
>      | 108482228 |        5 | attributepractice |       1 |    1435 |
>      |--------------------------------------------------------------|
>      |                           latenc~t                           |
>      |                               1435                           |
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>   5. |   subject | trialnum |         blockcode | correct | latency |
>      | 108482228 |        6 | attributepractice |       1 |    2955 |
>      |--------------------------------------------------------------|
>      |                           latenc~t                           |
>      |                               2955                           |
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>   6. |   subject | trialnum |         blockcode | correct | latency |
>      | 108482228 |        7 | attributepractice |       1 |    1483 |
>      |--------------------------------------------------------------|
>      |                           latenc~t                           |
>      |                               1483                           |
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>   7. |   subject | trialnum |         blockcode | correct | latency |
>      | 108482228 |        8 | attributepractice |       1 |    3459 |
>      |--------------------------------------------------------------|
>      |                           latenc~t                           |
>      |                               3459                           |
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>   8. |   subject | trialnum |         blockcode | correct | latency |
>      | 108482228 |        9 | attributepractice |       1 |    1004 |
>      |--------------------------------------------------------------|
>      |                           latenc~t                           |
>      |                               1004                           |
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>   9. |   subject | trialnum |         blockcode | correct | latency |
>      | 108482228 |       10 | attributepractice |       1 |    1716 |
>      |--------------------------------------------------------------|
>      |                           latenc~t                           |
>      |                               1716                           |
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>      +--------------------------------------------------------------+
>  10. |   subject | trialnum |         blockcode | correct | latency |
>      | 108482228 |       11 | attributepractice |       1 |    1372 |
>      |--------------------------------------------------------------|
>      |                           latenc~t                           |
>      |                               1372                           |
> that seems to work. I have also tried it with Stata 12 and Stata 11 on
> different computers... I still think that there must be a mistake on
> my side or something wrong with the data set (I took it from excel and
> imported it using three different ways: 1) copy paste 2) csv 3) excel
> import with stata 12). But it is truely puzzeling (for me)...
> With other data sets I have no issues (on the same computers) - so I
> guess the problem could lie there...
> 2012/10/24 Nick Cox <>:
>> Sorry; belay that. You do have value labels.
>> Nick
>> On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 11:43 AM, Nick Cox <> wrote:
>>> That does look puzzling. Three of us suggested that value labels might
>>> be getting in the way, but there are none.
>>> I don't have any further suggestions, beyond wondering whether your
>>> executable is corrupted. Can you get the same results from
>>> . list in 1/10
>>> immediately before or after the -summarize-?
>>> Nick
>>> On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Christian Bärtsch
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Nick - sorry I am only getting used to the correct terms.
>>>> Yes it is correct, that I am looking at the -summarize- command in stata.
>>>> . sum latency_int
>>>>     Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
>>>> -------------+--------------------------------------------------------
>>>>  latency_int |      5760    1102.242    700.1589          2       1999
>>>> . describe latency_int
>>>>               storage  display     value
>>>> variable name   type   format      label      variable label
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> latency_int     int    %8.0g       latency_int
>>>> .
>>>> . count
>>>>  5760
>>>> .
>>>> . summarize latency_int, detail
>>>>                          latency_int
>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>       Percentiles      Smallest
>>>>  1%           14              2
>>>>  5%           57              2
>>>> 10%        122.5              2       Obs                5760
>>>> 25%        377.5              2       Sum of Wgt.        5760
>>>> 50%       1221.5                      Mean           1102.242
>>>>                         Largest       Std. Dev.      700.1589
>>>> 75%         1779           1998
>>>> 90%         1902           1998       Variance       490222.5
>>>> 95%         1948           1998       Skewness      -.2200922
>>>> 99%         1988           1999       Kurtosis       1.417508
>>>> And here also an extract from list
>>>> . list latency_int
>>>>       +----------+
>>>>       | latenc~t |
>>>>       |----------|
>>>>    1. |     4720 |
>>>>    2. |     3923 |
>>>>    3. |     1844 |
>>>>    4. |     1435 |
>>>>    5. |     2955 |
>>>>       |----------|
>>>>    6. |     1483 |
>>>>    7. |     3459 |
>>>>    8. |     1004 |
>>>>    9. |     1716 |
>>>>   10. |     1372 |
>>>>       |----------|
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> 2012/10/24 Nick Cox <>:
>>>>> This is ambiguous as between the -summarize- command (which can be
>>>>> abbreviated -sum-) and the -sum()- function, which gives cumulative or
>>>>> running sums, although it seems you mean the first. In Stata (not
>>>>> "STATA") commands and functions are quite different families.
>>>>> Even then, you must show us exactly what you typed and exactly what
>>>>> Stata did by copying output. Otherwise it is difficult to guess what
>>>>> is going on. Does -latency_int- have value labels, which are what you
>>>>> see when you -list-, but not what are -summarize-d? You should show us
>>>>> the results of
>>>>> describe latency_int
>>>>> count
>>>>> summarize latency_int, detail
>>>>> Nick
>>>>> On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 11:13 AM, Christian Bärtsch
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> I have a issue using the sum function of STATA. I have a data set,
>>>>>> where I have a variable called latency_int (type: int; and something
>>>>>> over 5700 values). I use the command sum(latency_int). There I get the
>>>>>> minimum of 2 and the maximum of 1999 even though the data set contains
>>>>>> values from 44 to 81000 (those values are shown when I use
>>>>>> list(latency_int). It must be a pretty basic mistake, however I have
>>>>>> not been able to come up with a solution for days.
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