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Re: st: Outreg for asclogit
John Luke Gallup <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Outreg for asclogit
Tue, 2 Oct 2012 21:39:51 -0700
-outreg- (and probably -outreg2- and -estout-) don't handle marginal effects after -asclogit- because the results are saved in a very non-standard format.
-estat mfx-, which is only for use after -asclogit- saves the marginal effects in r() matrices named after the logit categories.
Things you can't do in -outreg- you can still do with a bit of work with -frmttable-, which is the formatting engine distributed with -outreg-.
The following code creates an -outreg- compatible table (which can be merged, etc.) showing the marginal effects with t-statistics below them and asterisks for significance.
First I calculate the marginal effects:
webuse choice, clear
asclogit choice dealer, case(id) alternatives(car) casevars(sex income)
estat mfx, at(sex=0 dealer=1)
Then I create a Stata matrix holding the marginal effects and t-stats (`b') and an indicator matrix for where the stars go (`stars', using the mata command). These are passed to -frmttable- to create a Word table (or TeX table) with the results.
tempname b stars
loc ctitl `""","""'
forvalues i = 1/`e(k_alt)' {
tempname b`i'
mat `b`i'' = r(`e(alt`i')')
mat `b' = (nullmat(`b'), `b`i''[.,1..1], `b`i''[.,3..3])
mat `stars' = (nullmat(`stars'), `b`i''[.,4..4])
loc ctitl `"`ctitl' ,`e(alt`i')'"'
mata: st_matrix("`stars'", (abs(st_matrix("`stars'")):<0.05) + ///
frmttable using ascmfx, statmat(`b') substat(1) ///
annotate(`stars') asymbol("*","**") ctitle(`ctitl') ///
replace note("* p<0.05; ** p<0.01")
You could adapt this to report standard errors, p-values, or change the stars, etc. if you want.
Here's the table:
American Japan Europe
dealer American 0.02* -0.01 -0.00
(2.29)* (-2.34) (-1.66)
Japan -0.01* 0.02 -0.00
(-2.34) (1.83) (-1.03)
Europe -0.00 -0.00 0.01
(-1.66) (-1.03) (1.30)
casevars sex* 0.03 -0.16 0.13
(0.38)* (-2.03) (1.76)
income -0.01** 0.01 0.00
(-2.95) (1.96) (1.14)
* p<0.05; ** p<0.01
On Oct 2, 2012, at 1:38 PM, Wameq Raza <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I was wondering if anyone could kindly tell me if there's a way to get
> the marginal effects of a asclogit model that I'm running
> into a table using outreg.
> More specifically, I'm generating the marginal effects using: estat
> mfx, var (variables); i'm doing this for both alt specific and
> case specific vars.
> Any help would be much appreciated!
> Best
> Wameq
> --
> W A M E Q R A Z A
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