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st: Force x-axis range to be the bounds of the variable in the sample, not the entire data set

From   Aaron Kirkman <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Force x-axis range to be the bounds of the variable in the sample, not the entire data set
Date   Mon, 27 Aug 2012 11:05:28 -0500

I'm calculating and generating prediction intervals for a subset of a
data set, but when I graph the subset, the range on the x-axis is the
range of all of the data, instead of only the sample. For example:


use "";, clear
sort lnox

summ lnox
summ lnox if _n <= 100


. summ lnox

    Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
        lnox |       506    1.693091    .2014102   1.348073   2.164472

. summ lnox if _n <= 100

    Variable |       Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
        lnox |       100    1.435845    .0361544   1.348073    1.48614

The range of the sample is [1.348073, .48614], but when I calculate
and graph the predicted values, the range of -lnox- is [1.348073,
2.164472], which is too large. Here is the complete do-file:


use "";, clear
sort lnox

summ lnox
summ lnox if _n <= 100

quietly regress lprice lnox if _n <= 100
predict double xb if e(sample)
predict double stdpred if e(sample), stdp
scalar tval = invttail(e(df_r), 0.975)
gen double uplim = xb + tval * stdpred
gen double lowlim = xb - tval * stdpred

summ lnox if e(sample), meanonly
local lnoxbar = r(mean)
label var xb "Predicted"
label var uplim "95% prediction interval"
label var lowlim "95% prediction interval"

#delimit ;

(rarea lowlim uplim lnox, sort bcolor(gs14))
(scatter lprice lnox if e(sample), sort ms(Oh) xline(`lnoxbar'))
(rline uplim lowlim lnox if e(sample), sort),
		ytitle("Actual and predicted log price") legend(cols(1))
		xsize(18) ysize(12);

#delimit cr


Is there a way to automatically do this, or should I manually specify
-xaxis- and -xlabel- ?

Thank you,
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