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graph bar Score, over(abil) over(treatment)

can't be tweaked to produce different colours. However, that is not
correct. The option -asyvars- has precisely this purpose.

Consider the results of

sysuse auto
graph bar mpg, over(foreign) over(rep78)
graph bar mpg, over(foreign) over(rep78) asyvars
graph bar mpg, over(foreign) over(rep78) asyvars nofill

You can naturally add further options to change the colours, etc.


On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 12:12 PM, Andrea Bennett <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have the following issue with Stata graphs. Combining the below graphs results in the bars of the first graph to be slightly narrower that bars in the graphs 2 and 3. I think the issue is related to me dropping the y-scale from the second graph. Is there a way to make them exactly the same size, e.g. by dealing with the margins?
> label define abil 0 "Low ability" 1 "High ability"
> label values abil abil
> global format "ytitle("Percent", size(large)) ylabel(0(20)100,  labsize(medium)) blabel(bar, format(%3.1f) size(medium)) ysc(r(0 100)) bar(1, color(gs12) lcolor(white) lwidth(thick)) bar(2, color(gs9) lcolor(white) lwidth(thick))"
> graph bar Score if treatment==1, bargap(0) legend(span rows(1)) over(abil, axis(off)) $format asyvars b1title("Control", size(large) margin(large)) graphregion(margin(2 0 6 4)) saving(abil1, replace)
> graph bar Score if treatment==2, bargap(0) yscale(off) over(abil, axis(off)) $format asyvars b1title("Treatment A", size(large) margin(large)) graphregion(margin(0 0 6 4)) legend(off) saving(abil2, replace)
> graph bar Score if treatment==3, bargap(0) yscale(off) over(abil, axis(off)) $format asyvars b1title("Treatment B", size(large) margin(large)) graphregion(margin(0 0 6 4)) legend(off) saving(abil3, replace)
> grc1leg abil1.gph abil2.gph abil3.gph, position(6) ring(1) rows(1) altshrink iscale(*1.5) legendfrom(abil1.gph) saving(abilfull, replace)
> Before you wonder why I chose this approach over the following: graph bar Score, over(abil) over(treatment). I was not able to set different colours for the "abil" bars.

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