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I am trying to use ICE with interval imputation (the values are censored
and are not allowed to be below 0).
I have generated two variables co2_lb (lower bound) = 0 and co2_ub
(upper bound) = . and then tried
ice c01  c02  c02_lb c02_ub inc_earned, m(5) saving(imputed)
interval(c02:c02_lb  c02_ub) replace
Without interval I have no problems with ICE, with interval I get the
following output (see below).
Any idea what I am doing wrongly?

. ice c01  c02  c02_lb c02_ub inc_earned, m(5) saving(imputed)
interval(c02:c02_lb  c02_ub) replace

   #missing |
     values |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
          0 |     25,181       85.37       85.37
          1 |      3,579       12.13       97.50
          2 |        735        2.49      100.00
          3 |          1        0.00      100.00
      Total |     29,496      100.00

   Variable | Command | Prediction equation
     c02_lb |         | [Lower bound for c02]
     c02_ub |         | [Upper bound for c02]
        c01 | regress | c02 inc_earned
 inc_earned | regress | c01 c02
        c02 | intreg  | c01 inc_earned

Imputing [Note: in regression for c01, permanently removing c02 due to
[Note: in regression for inc_earned, permanently removing c02 due to

Error #459 encountered while running -uvis-
I detected a problem with running uvis with command intreg on response
and covariates c01 inc_earned.

The offending command resembled:
uvis intreg c02 c01 inc_earned , gen([imputed])

you may wish to try the -persist- option to persist beyond this error.
dumping current data to ./_ice_dump.dta
something that should be true of your data is not
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