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st: How to calculate confidence interval of the long-run elasticity

From   San K <>
Subject   st: How to calculate confidence interval of the long-run elasticity
Date   Fri, 3 Aug 2012 16:25:02 +1000

I would like to check if I’m doing right to calculate to confidence
interval of the long-run elasticity estimates.

Here are the results from xtabond2.
                 |              Corrected
    ConsDayAvgLN |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95%
Conf. Interval]
Lag4ConsDayAvgLN |   .2124323   .0607073     3.50   0.000     .0934483
  waitedAvgPrice |   .0000588   .0000306     1.92   0.055    -1.23e-06
waitedAvgPriceL1 |   .0007982   .0001699     4.70   0.000     .0004653
waitedAvgPriceL2 |  -.0005356   .0003933    -1.36   0.173    -.0013064
waitedAvgPriceL3 |  -.0003919     .00042    -0.93   0.351     -.001215
waitedAvgPriceL4 |  -.0013985   .0002538    -5.51   0.000     -.001896
          summer |  -.1151637   .0858191    -1.34   0.180     -.283366
          autumn |  -.1719444   .0863831    -1.99   0.047    -.3412522
          winter |   -.181052   .0877778    -2.06   0.039    -.3530934
          spring |  -.1314596   .0861975    -1.53   0.127    -.3004036

This is what David ( suggests doing to calculate
the standard error.

Based on the above I did the following:
* calculate the long-run estimate
mat price_LR = (_b[waitedAvgPrice]+_b[waitedAvgPriceL1]+_b[waitedAvgPriceL2]+_b[waitedAvgPriceL3]+_b[waitedAvgPriceL4])/(1-_b

* calculate Chi2
testnl 0 = (_b[waitedAvgPrice]+_b[waitedAvgPriceL1]+_b[waitedAvgPriceL2]+_b[waitedAvgPriceL3]+_b[waitedAvgPriceL4])/(1-_b[Lag
  (1)  0 = (_b[waitedAvgPrice]+_b[waitedAvgPriceL1]+_b[waitedAvgPriceL2]+_b[waitedAvgPriceL3]+_b[waitedAvgPriceL4])/(1-_b[Lag4ConsDayAvgLN])
               chi2(1) =       31.19
           Prob > chi2 =        0.0000

* calculate the standard error
. mat stdError=price_LR/sqrt(r(chi2))

* Long-Run estimate at the price of $213
. mat price_LR_213=price_LR*213

Then finally using the Excel I calculated the 95% confidence level by
multiplying the stdError by 1.96 and add (or subtract) to the

Is this the correct way of doing it? Why I’m concern is that I’m
getting very tight confidence interval!

Any help is appreciated.

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