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From | Nick Cox <> |
To | "" <> |
Subject | Re: st: Fwd: Converting weekly data of form yyyyww |
Date | Wed, 25 Jul 2012 14:14:31 +0100 |
Mapping anybody's else "weeks" onto Stata's weeks is still going to be a problem, however.
On 25 Jul 2012, at 13:55, Ruth Gilgenbach <> wrote:
I have a data set with variable "dates" which are of the form yyyyww, and I am trying to convert them to a useable format, and am having no luck. I am running Stata 12. For example, if I use the following ************************ inp str06 dates 201002 200953 201102 200935 end gen delivery = weekly(dates,"YW") *************************I get the result: (4 missing values generated) rather than the correct result.I know that the 53-week year in 2009 is also going to pose a problem, but this problem persists even in the absence of week 53. I have also attempted to split the string into components and build the dates from these, but I receive the same problem, that missing values are generated rather than the values themselves: ****************** inp str06 dates 201002 200953 201102 200935 end gen year =substr(dates,1,4) encode year, generate(nyear) gen week = substr(dates,5,2) encode week, generate(nweek) gen delivery2 = yw(nyear,nweek) *********************************
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