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st: a reverse wildcard or other way to mean "all variables but..."

From   Doug Hess <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: a reverse wildcard or other way to mean "all variables but..."
Date   Fri, 29 Jun 2012 11:56:42 -0400

I thought I was being smart and quick with the following one-liner

-collapse *, by(ID)-

But, of course, the variable named ID is included in the wildcard
before the comma, which means the command gives the error statement
"control may not be both target and by()." I'm not sure if the
solution is some reverse of the wildcard or way to say: _all "but
don't include ID when I say _all".   I guess one can just include all
the variables in a - local - or -global- and then hunt for and remove
the one variable you want left out. But is there a code for
subtracting something from * or _all on the fly, so to speak?

Thank you. I'm on the list in digest mode, so if replies can cc me,
that would helpful.

[P.S. I found this discussion in the archive, but it's not exactly the
same issue:

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