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Re: st: converting weekly to monthly data
Stef Salvez <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: converting weekly to monthly data
Thu, 28 Jun 2012 22:19:41 +0100
In my case I have the prices for 2 goods A and B. The prices are
broken down by the pack size represented by id
(id takes 2 values as there are 2 kind of sizes).
An example is the following
clear all
input str8 (dates1) priceA PriceB id
"23/11/08" 0.5637 0.6034 1
"28/12/08" 2 3 1
"25/01/09" 3 4 1
"22/02/09" 3 1 1
"29/03/09" 5 6 1
"26/04/09" 7 7 1
"24/05/09" 1 5 1
"28/06/09" 1 4 1
"26/07/09" 2 5 1
"23/08/09" 5 8
"27/09/09" 5 6 1
"25/10/09" 4 6 1
"22/11/09" 2 1 1
"03/01/10" 2 4 1
"31/01/10" 1 7 1
"28/02/10" 6 3 1
"23/11/08" 4 6 2
"28/12/08" 2 3 2
"25/01/09" 3 4 2
"22/02/09" 3 1 2
"29/03/09" 3 4 2
"26/04/09" 7 7 2
"24/05/09" 1 5
"28/06/09" 1 4
"26/07/09" 6 5
"23/08/09" 5 8
"27/09/09" 6 6 2
"25/10/09" 4 6 2
"22/11/09" 2 1 2
"03/01/10" 2 3 2
"31/01/10" 1 7 2
"28/02/10" 6 1
Each value represents a 4-week average (28 days). However, some values
represent a 5 week average (35) .
You can see that from
gen dd = date(dates1, "DM20Y")
gen dd2 = dd - dd[_n-1]
So, in my case using
gen daily=dofw(tw)
format daily %td
gen monthly=mofd(td)
format monthly %tm
makes no sense because these observations are not weekly but 4 or 5
week averages.
My though is to convert these values to daily and then to monthly.
Practically i do not know how to do that.
Is there any way to achieve that?
Kinds regards
On 6/28/12, Sarah Edgington <[email protected]> wrote:
> .
> Well, if you don't know what you've done wrong, we certainly have no way of
> knowing. You haven't shown us what you did or how it's "not working."
> Try reading the statalist FAQ.
> Section 3 is particularly useful for figuring out how to formulate
> questions
> in a way that will increase your chances of getting a helpful answer.
> Good luck.
> -Sarah
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected]
> [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of j maleii
> Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 1:03 PM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: RE: st: converting weekly to monthly data
> sorry guys not working. i dont know what ihave done wrong
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