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st: -traveltime-: "nes not found" error, and empty distances

From   Stata Chris <>
Subject   st: -traveltime-: "nes not found" error, and empty distances
Date   Sat, 23 Jun 2012 14:57:32 +0200

Dear Statalisters,

I am using the -traveltime- command provided by Adam Ozimek and Daniel
Miles of Econsult.
for computing the walking/driving distances from 500 places to one target place.

I find this to be a great command, but I'm experiencing 2 problems:

Firstly, in walk (but not in driving) mode, the procedure always stops
after 283 cases, and I get the error "nes not found". I have no idea
what this means or how to get around it. Would anyone be able to help?

Secondly, in both modes I get the days, hours and minutes the journey
will take, but the distance output, whether I specify km or miles,
remains empty. Why?

Thanks so much and best regards,
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