Dear Stata users,
I currently have Stata/SE 11.2 for Windows (32-bit) in my laptop and I am running Stata/MP 12.1 for Windows (64-bit) in my desktop. I am estimating a probit/logit model with over half a million observations. When I run the probit model with maximum likelihood
(ML) in Stata/SE 11.2 in my laptop, after 6 iterations and 11 seconds I get an estimation (the log pseudolikelihood converges to -367498.27); when I run exactly the same model with the same data using ML in Stata/MP 12.1 in my desktop the ML gets stuck in
iteration -367496.9(backed up), and it takes over 10000 iterations or more to get an output (which may not converge) and these take more than 3 days.
The commands I use are:
eststo Prob1: probit depvar indvars, vce(r)
Can anyone please help me understand what is going on? How can I solve this problem? I am not able to use my powerful desktop for my estimations and end up estimating everything on my laptop with very low memory.
Thank you,
Maria Belen Yanotti
PhD Candidate
School of Economics and Finance
University of Tasmania