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Re: st: Labelling of categorical variables in regression outputs
daniel klein <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: Labelling of categorical variables in regression outputs
Mon, 18 Jun 2012 16:32:47 +0200
you do not show us how you "created the above labelling", so is hard
to comment on the question whether there is a problem, with what you
did. You also do not show us how you created the dummies for your
regression models. Did you use factor variable notation? If so, there
are no labels avaiable for the dummies (yet).
-esttab- and -estout- are user-written commands (Jann, SSC) as you are
asked to explain. I am not sure about your search strategy for a
"function" (note that you are looking for an option, not a function)
for labellibng, but both -esttab- and estout-, as well as official
Stata's -estimates table- have -label- options, which is clearly
documented in the respective help files.
Hello all,
I've been runnning regression models (linear & logistic) and my main
exposure variable has 20 categories, including the reference. Having
so many categories it often takes time to read the output as I forget
what the categories are. In regression models, Stata names the
categories as numbers '2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc....'.
Is there any way by which I can tell Stata to instead the use the
original labels for the categories?
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