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st: estout - esttab - producing different column labels in a single table

From   Marc Witte <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: estout - esttab - producing different column labels in a single table
Date   Sun, 17 Jun 2012 20:09:16 +0200

Dear Statalist,

I am using the -esttab- function of -estout- to display the means and
standard deviations of six different models (treatment and control
group, each of them subdivided into a further treatment and control
group)  --- all of that in a single table.

In a seventh model within the same table, I want to display the test
statistic and p-value of a ttest between the total control group
[model (1)] and the total treatment group [model (4)].

Unfortunately, -esttab- labels the columns identically for each of the
seven models (in my case "Mean" and "SD"), whereas I want the columns
for the seventh model (the ttest comparison) to be named "t-value" and

Do you have ideas how to change the column labels exclusively for the
last model, i.e. model (7)?

This is my syntax:

eststo: estpost sum varlist if treatschool_2010==0
bysort treated_occ: eststo: estpost sum varlist if year==2010 &
eststo: estpost sum varlist if treatschool_2010==1
bysort treated_occ: eststo: estpost sum varlist if year==2010 &
eststo: estpost ttest varlist, by(treatschool_2010)
esttab, cells("mean sd" "t p")  ml("control schools total" "untreated
occupations" "treated occupations" "treated schools total" "untreated
occupations" "treated occupations" "col (1) VS. (4)", span)
coll("Mean" "SD") mgr("control schools" "treated schools" "t-test on
equal means", pattern(1 0 0 1 0 0 1) span)
I am sorry if my question is too trivial - I am just a beginner.

Thank you for any suggestions,

Marc Witte
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