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st: Insheet Command Problem

From   Davia Downey <>
To   "" <>
Subject   st: Insheet Command Problem
Date   Thu, 14 Jun 2012 20:15:04 +0000

Hello All,

I need to truncate a very large census file. I only need a few variables
from the file so I am using the in sheet command with the variables I want
read in listed in the command. However, the file still isn't loading. The
error code I keep getting back is not helpful and the file is too large to
open in Excel.

The code I use is:
insheet year quarter county earnhiras earnhirns hiras hirn using
"qwi_la_se_county_naics3_all.csv", names

The error I get is:

too few variables specified
error in line 4508597 of file

Is there something else I can try? I really need to get at this data and
nnot for the life of me figure out what other command to use to pull out
e specific data/variables I need.

Davia Cox Downey
Assistant Professor of Public Administration
School of Public, Nonprofit &
Health Administration
Grand Valley State University

242C DeVos Center
401 West Fulton Street
Grand Rapids, MI  49504

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