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st: RE: RE: Column widths in -tab- or including row percentages in -table-

From   "David Radwin" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: RE: RE: Column widths in -tab- or including row percentages in -table-
Date   Wed, 13 Jun 2012 08:02:52 -0700 (PDT)


If you could live with column percentages instead of row percentages (and
rearrange your table accordingly), you could use -tablecol- by Nick
Winter, available from SSC. It gives you the flexibility of -table- plus
column percentages.

There are other user-written programs for creating tables in Excel, LaTeX,
HTML, etc., particularly Ian Watson's -tabout- (SSC), that might give you
row percentages and other features.

David Radwin
Senior Research Associate
MPR Associates, Inc.
2150 Shattuck Ave., Suite 800
Berkeley, CA 94704
Phone: 510-849-4942
Fax: 510-849-0794

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:owner-
>] On Behalf Of Tim Evans
> Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 4:09 AM
> To: ''
> Subject: st: RE: Column widths in -tab- or including row percentages in
> table-
> I think -tab- isn't going to help me here
> , so I guess getting percentages into -table- is going to be my best
> option.
> Or re-define my variable labels.
> Best wishes
> Tim
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:owner-
>] On Behalf Of Tim Evans
> Sent: 13 June 2012 11:41
> To: ''
> Subject: st: Column widths in -tab- or including row percentages in -
> table-
> Hi all,
> probably a really simple question to ask but having search around I cant
> seem to land on a solution..
> I am creating a twoway table of year of diagnosis and counts of 30 day
> mortality, I get the row percentages at the same time using the
> code in Stata 11.2:
> tab yydx Thirty if ID==5 & stflag=="Yes", row
> However, the column width in the table truncates the display of my
> I have two values
> column a) 'Died < 30 days'
> column b) 'Didnt die <30 days'
> When I use the above code, column b is truncated to 'didn't die', now
> is misleading.
> I therefore tried -table- using the following
> table yydx Thirty if ID==5 & stflag=="Yes", col
> and this works better and displays the full label, however, I'm not sure
> how to pull in the row percentages.
> Any help appreciated.
> Best wishes

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