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Re: st: mi passive - When is it executed?
Richard Williams <[email protected]>
[email protected], "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Re: st: mi passive - When is it executed?
Mon, 11 Jun 2012 22:04:42 -0500
At 05:31 PM 6/11/2012, Isaac Knowles wrote:
Hi, Statalisters,
I am wondering when, during the imputation step, Stata actually
generates a passive variable. I am currently using Stata 12's "mi
impute chained" to execute imputation of about 8 different
variables, including age and earnings. I want to use a quartic in
age when imputing earnings. Both age and earnings are missing, but
by far earnings is missing more. The missing pattern is not
monotone. In both the burn-in and imputation steps, I want Stata to
first impute the value of age where it is missing (which it does
automaticall). Then I want it to generate the age quartic based on
the imputed values. Finally, I want it to use the age quartic to
impute log earnings (which it also does, but I'm not sure if the
quartic is using the latest imputed values) It's not clear to me
from reading the manual that Stata is smart enough to know when I
want these things calculated, though. So does anyone know when a
passive variable is generated during the imputation
process? Is it doing it before it imputes earnings? Or at the very end?
A much-abbreviated version of the code I have a question about goes
as follows:
mi set wide
mi register: ageimp lnearnimp
mi passive: gen age2imp = ageimp*ageimp
mi passive: gen age3imp = age2imp*ageimp
mi passive: gen age4imp = age3imp*ageimp
mi impute chained (reg) ageimp (reg, include(age2imp age3imp
age4imp) lnearnimp, [some options here] add(10)
FYI, Paul Allison and others argue against passive imputation. They
argue that you should do things like compute x^2 first, and then
impute its missing values. That seems counterintuitive but Allison
claims it works best. See
As for ordering, I would think that the -mi passive- commands would
come after the -mi impute chained- command.
Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
OFFICE: (574)631-6668, (574)631-6463
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