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st: RE: RE: RE: setting axis scale to maximum value of a variable
Nick Cox <[email protected]>
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
st: RE: RE: RE: setting axis scale to maximum value of a variable
Mon, 11 Jun 2012 11:16:03 +0100
-range()- needs two arguments, even if one is missing.
`= 50 * ceil(r(max)/ 50)' will give a multiple of 50 and round up.
`= 50 * floor(r(max) / 50)' will give a multiple of 50 and round down.
See also
SJ-3-4 dm0002 . . . . . . . . Stata tip 2: Building with floors and ceilings
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N. J. Cox
Q4/03 SJ 3(4):446--447 (no commands)
tips for using floor() and ceil()
[email protected]
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Tim Evans
Sent: 11 June 2012 11:06
To: '[email protected]'
Subject: st: RE: RE: setting axis scale to maximum value of a variable
Thanks for the -format- tip. I now have this sorted in the code now shown below. But to setting the max I think I have a partial solution, but not sure how I can pull in the value from -r(max)-
I propose summarising the crude rate and then setting this in the -ylab- option:
using this:
But I would like to make sure that I override the default so that it always goes to the nearest 50 on the yscale
*/ yscale(range(`=r(max)')) /*
*/ ylabel(0 (50) 5 * ceil(`=r(max)'/5), gmax angle(horizontal) format(%3.0f)) /*
however, I get the following error:
invalid label specifier, : * ceil(177.5696961057215/5):
I've also tried -round- but I think whatever I do wrong with -ceiling- is happening for -round- also.
levelsof age_grp, local(levels)
foreach l of local levels {
su crude if age_grp==`l'
line crude yydx if surg==2 & age_grp==`l', lpattern("l") || line crude yydx if surg==1 & age_grp==`l', lpattern("_")|| line crude yydx if surg==99 & age_grp==`l', lpattern(".._..") xaxis(1 2) , /*
*/ yscale(range(`=r(max)')) /*
*/ ylabel(0 (50) 5 * ceil(`=r(max)'/5), gmax angle(horizontal) format(%3.0f)) /*
*/ xlabel(2001, axis(1)) xtitle("Year", size(small) axis(2)) xtitle("", axis(1)) plotregion(lstyle(none)) /*
*/ ytitle("Rate per 100,000 women", size(small)) title("`: label (age_grp) `l''", size(medsmall)) /*
*/ legend(label(3 "All breast cancer") /*
*/ label(2 "Mastectomy") label(1 "Breast surgery")) /*
*/ legend(region(lstyle(none)) rows(1) size(small) lcolor(none))
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Nick Cox
Sent: 11 June 2012 10:31
To: '[email protected]'
Subject: st: RE: setting axis scale to maximum value of a variable
First question: -ylabel()- has a -format()- suboption which you can use to override the default (which Stata will pick up otherwise from the display format of your y axis variable). This is documented at -help axis label options-.
Second question is more obscure to me. Perhaps studying the options and suboptions as above will indicate a solution. Or assign value labels to your y axis variable.
[email protected]
Tim Evans
I have two questions, the first one is, how do I set the formatting of the y axis when graphing twoway so that I don't display any significant figures - i.e I want to show 150 and not 150.00 as I currently have.
The second question is, I am running a loop of graphs on rates that I have generated. However, the scale I set in the twoway line graph may not be appropriate for each version of the graph I generate. So for instance I have 3 age groups 0-49, 50-64 and 64-79, the maximum value for 'crude' is say 100 for 0-49, 300 for 50-64 and 400 for 64-79. Defaulting the y-axis to 400 (as I am currently doing) will make the 0-49 graph look odd as it wont be scaled appropriately.
Is there a way that I can specify in the options that the y-axis is only scaled up to the nearest 10 of the maximum for each iteration of the loop?
My code is this:
levelsof age_grp, local(levels)
foreach l of local levels {
line crude yydx if surg==2 & age_grp==`l', lpattern("l") || line crude yydx if surg==1 & age_grp==`l', lpattern("_")|| line crude yydx if surg==99 & age_grp==`l', lpattern(".._..") xaxis(1 2) , /*
*/ ylabel(0 (50) 400, gmax angle(horizontal)) /*
*/ xlabel(2001, axis(1)) xtitle("Year", size(small) axis(2)) xtitle("", axis(1)) plotregion(lstyle(none)) /*
*/ ytitle("Rate per 100,000 women", size(small)) title("`: label (age_grp) `l''", size(medsmall)) /*
*/ legend(label(3 "All breast cancer") /*
*/ label(2 "Mastectomy") label(1 "Breast surgery")) /*
*/ legend(region(lstyle(none)) rows(1) size(small) lcolor(none))
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