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Re: st: imputing dates into a string date

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: imputing dates into a string date
Date   Thu, 7 Jun 2012 17:01:02 +0100

-subinstr()- is just acting as instructed, replacing the first occurrence of "xx". It's completely indifferent where that occurs if it's not constrained, e.g. by

... if substr(var1, 1, 2) == "xx"


On 7 Jun 2012, at 16:01, Tim Evans <[email protected]> wrote:

Perhaps I am missing something here.

When I have the following dates in Stata:


and use the code

g dx_clean = subinstr(var1, "xx", "01", 1)

I get:

var1    dx_clean
01/xx/2001    01/01/2001
xx/01/2001    01/01/2001
01/01/xxxx    01/01/01xx

The problem seems that both the month gets imputed and also the first part of the missing year.

So I still prefer Nicks original example.

Best wishes


-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:owner- [email protected]] On Behalf Of Nick Cox
Sent: 07 June 2012 15:35
To: '[email protected]'
Subject: RE: st: imputing dates into a string date

I wouldn't do precisely that. There might be dates with missing months too, for all we know. That code would replace "XX/XX" with "01/01". Replacing a missing day with 1 is one thing; replacing a missing month with January messes up the data. So, ever picky, I recommend instead

g dx_clean = subinstr(dx, "XX", "01", 1)

[email protected]

daniel klein

this is (probably) much simpler than you might assume. All you need to
type is the one line

g dx_clean = subinstr(dx, "XX", "01", .)

Substitute -g dx_clean- in the code with -replace dx- if you want to
change your original variable.

Hi all,
This is working fine, until I come across a date that actually starts like this:


Then my code to generate a date returns a blank. What I would like to
do is add in something that allows me to evaluate whether the day is
xx and if so, insert 01.

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