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Re: st: Import excel issues stata12
[email protected] (Kevin Crow, StataCorp LP)
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Re: st: Import excel issues stata12
Thu, 07 Jun 2012 07:09:15 -0500
Katherine Sawyer <[email protected]> inquired about
using -import excel- to import online files:
>Hello, has anyone been able to import an online excel file directly
>into stata 12 without saving first? I need to write a loop to pull
>multiple datasets from online, so I am trying to bypass manually
>opening and saving them first. When I try the following code:
>import excel
>011.xls, sheet("UCDP DyadicDataset") firstrow clear
>I get this error:Â file
>could not be loaded
-import excel- can not open online Excel files. We'll make this functionality
available in a future update. Katherine can use the -copy- command to copy the
file to her local computer and then use the -import excel- command to read in
her data. Note that there is no performance penalty to first using -copy- to
bring down a file from a URL and then using -import excel- to import it. When
we add this feature to -import excel- we will use the -copy- command to bring
down the file to a temporary file which would then be imported.
-Kevin Crow
[email protected]
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