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st: Cmogram, rdob, mccrary

From   Antoine Clamaran <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Cmogram, rdob, mccrary
Date   Thu, 7 Jun 2012 10:05:37 +0100 (BST)

Dear statalist members,

I am working on a Fuzzy RDD, and I have the following questions with respect to the following commands which are commonly used in Regression Discontinuity
Designs and can be found in the following websites:
1) rdob:
(concretely the file is in

2) DCdensity (McCrary test) :
3) cmogram:    

-The first question is, when using rdob to compute the optimal bandwidth, i.e.
rdob outcome running_variable, c(0)
Is rdob assuming that the treatment starts with positive values of the running variable (so when the running variable is zero, there is no treatment), or is it assuming that when the running variable is 0, treatment is assigned?

-The second question is exactly the same one but for the Mccrary test (DCdensity command)

-The third question is about the support of the running variable: whenever it is discrete, should the bin-sizes for the McCrary test be integers /discrete as well? 

-The fourth and last question is whether is it possible to use cmogram selecting the bin size and avoiding the bins on the boundary to include data points from both sides (i.e. define the bin size "x" and imposing that the bins around the boundary are [-x,0), [0,x )

Thanks for your attention,


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